Status: active

Snowed In

Chapter 3

"Marley Jude Gates! We've been best friends for...well...forever! Don't lie to me, tell me what's wrong!" Marley sighed a big, dramatic sigh. She only gives those when it's something big. "Well, I just got a text." Wow, way to state the obvious. "Yeah, I know. I figured that part out. What did the text SAY?" Marley heaved another big sigh. "Well, it was from...Becky." Oh my gosh. Becky Athay was the biggest whiniest brat in all of DC Prep. She had huge glasses, dirty blonde hair that she bleached blonde so that it looked HORRIBLE now, and zits everywhere. Before Danny had met Marley, he had, unfortunetly, gone out with her. But she dumped him, and in the middle of Danny & Marley's relationship had started telling everyone she liked him again. She even started stalking him, to the point he had a restraining order put against her. "Oh no...what does it say?" I was scared and holding my breath. Marley took a deep breath, trying to calm herself but didn't succeed. "Dear Marley, I heard Danny dumped you on your loser ass. So he's fair game now, for anybody to take. And trust me honey, I'm taking him. So you can go run along and cry about it and call me a beeeeee-otch, but that's not changing anything See ya." Then Marley broke down into tears and fell on my bed, phone in hand. "Oh my gosh. Marley, that's horrible. What the hell is wrong with her! You know he promised you he'd never go out with her again..." Marley barely choked out a few words. "!" I shook my head and let her cry. "No, no he doens't, Marley."