Status: active

Snowed In

Chapter 7

It was locker break on Tuesday morning. My stomach was in knots and my heart was pounding. My hand was shaking so much I could barely spin the lock. After dumping my unneeded books, I turned around to find perfection smiling at me with that angelic smile of his.

"Hey, Trey. So, um, what did you wanna talk about?" I smiled when I remembered Marley's joke last night. His face flushed red and he looked down at his feet.

"Um, well, I think you're really pretty. And, um, well, I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend." Oh. My. Freaking. Gosh. I was in shock, I seriously might need an ambulance and paramedics. The guy I had fantasized about for years asked me to be his freaking girlfriend.

I was so happy, I felt like I could start dancing and screaming. Instead, I just grinned and said, "Yes, yes, yes! I'd...I'd love that!" So friggin' much, I added in my mind.

"Cool." Trey smiled. He looked really happy, and I was sure I was a mirror reflection of his appearance. He gave me and awkward hug and left to go to class. I blinked and pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Two seconds later, when I was sure this was really happening, Marley was next to me.

"So...was it big?" She looked honestly eager to hear my answer. "Yeah, it was huge." I joked. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. I slapped her. "Ow!" She screamed, but she knew I was just playing. I said, "I was kidding, but it was big. He asked me to be his girlfriend!" Marley started dancing. "Woop! Woop!" he hugged me and said, "I'm so happy for you!" Then she grabbed my arm and dragged me to class. "C'mon, slowpoke, break out of your "Trey" daze. It's classtime."

I let her pull me, still lost in my thoughts about MY boyfriend, Trey.