Status: complete



"Its all her fault!" I whispered ferociously. "All her fault!" I repeated.

I gazed out of my bedroom window. Dark clouds rolled across the sky. How

fitting, I thought, the clouds match my mood. If only my mother had not sent him

away that night, my mood would be cheery. But oh that vial woman! Its all her


You see, I didn’t always hate my mother. Yes, there were times I didn’t

particularly like her, but I never hated her. That all changed.

I had invited my boyfriend, Henry, over for dinner that night. We had been

together for a while and I thought it would be nice for him to meet my family. I

knew he wasn’t someone that my parents were used to, but I thought they would

accept him. His hair was dyed a very dark, almost black, blue. He had several

piercings and wore dark clothing. He was different from what I was used to, but I

adored him.

I danced around the house making sure everything was perfect. My parents

sat back in their chairs and smiled at how enthusiastic I was. At exactly a quarter to

six the doorbell rang.

Excitedly I skipped to the door. I was eager for my parents to meet my

Boyfriend because I thought that they would love him as much as I did, once they

gave him a chance. I opened the door and ushered Henry in. Once he entered I

turned around and locked the door. Suddenly I heard a gasp from my mother.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Get that boy out of my house this instant! I will not have you going around

with this sort of person, Clara!" My mother said through clenched teeth.

"But mom!" I yelled, my voice full of anger and confusion. How could my

mother be so close minded?

"Not another word Clara!"

"Im going to get going now." Henry said, backing up to the door.

He fumbled with the lock I had locked just a few seconds ago, and stepped

out the door. He placed a small kiss on my cheek before sprinting out into the rain.

By then the sky had grown very dark, and it had begun to rain very heavy. He

slowly backed his car into the road while waving a goodbye to me. Suddenly, from

out of no where a truck slammed into the side of Henrys car.

"No!" Came the sound of my shrill scream. I quickly ran to Henrys car.

"What happened?" Yelled my mother from the door way, as if she cared.

"Its all your fault!" I screamed at her. "All your fault!"

I vaguely remember flashing lights in the distance. It seemed like forever

until they came.

" he going to be okay?" I asked the paramedic feebly.

"Im sorry dear, he's gone." He replied. With that I couldn’t hold back the

tears anymore. It was just too much.

At some point someone wrapped a towel around me and took me inside the

house. As soon as I saw my mother I screamed, "Its all your fault! Its all your fault!

Its all your fault!"

I was brought up to my room and set on my bed. I was too distraught to care

who had put me there.

"Its all her fault" I muttered over and over again. As I laid there in the

darkness, I realized one very important thing, my mother had to go. If she had not

sent him away he would be alive. Its all her fault!

During the next week I was overly pleasant to my mother. She couldn’t

know what I was going to do. She would try to stop me. Over the next week I

plotted and gathered the necessary ingredients. It was time for her to go. After all,

it was all her fault.

At the end of the week I put my plan into action. It was a Saturday

afternoon so my father would be at work. My mother was sitting in the living room

reading, so the kitchen was free for me to use. I happily poured a cup of tea with a

special ingredient, arsenic.

"Mother!" I called as I walked into the living room with the tea. "Would you

like some tea?"

"Oh thank you Clara, that’s just what I want." She took the cup and began

to drink it, not suspecting a thing.

Before long she began coughing and fell to the floor.

"Clara?! What was in that tea???" She gasped.

"Oh, just a little arsenic" I said happily. "Its time to go to sleep, and

pay for what you've done. Its all your fault, and its time to pay."

With one last gasp she stilled on the floor. I clapped happily and dumped

out the rest of the tea. I didn’t want anyone else to suffer the same fate as my

mother. After all, it was her fault and hers alone. Only she needed to be punished.

From outside I heard a car door slam.

"Oh no!" I whispered. "Fathers home!"

Hurriedly I pulled my mother into the bathroom and shoved her in the

cupboard under the sink. I sprinted back into the living room and awaited my


"Hello Clara." My father said putting his coat on his rack. "Where's your


"Uh." I paused "I don’t know." I said unsteadily, squirming in my seat. I

couldn’t take sitting there anymore so I jumped to my feet.

"Clara?" My father said, curious as to why I was acting the way I was.

"Its nothing!" I half yelled as I walked to the bathroom. I sat on the sink

nervously. I knew that he knew what I had done!

"What are you doing Clara?" My father asked still confused.

"N-nothing!" I stammered again. I quickly jumped down and sat against the

cupboard. By then I was breathing heavily. He knew, he knew, he knew!!!

"What are you hiding in there Clara?" He asked, pushing me aside. He

slowly opened the door.