‹ Prequel: With Love, Travis

We Lost Ourselves in the Bright Lights

Chapter Ten

Kelsy let out a sigh as the plane touched down in her and her friends hometown, Austin, Texas. The flight attendant came on in a droning voice and told them they must keep their seat belts fastened, stay seated and that they could use their phones. When Alyx heard that she immediately reached for hers and her fingers started to fly across the small keyboard. One word ran through Kelsy's mind: Alex. She smiled and rolled her eyes and reached down for hers. It powered up within about 30 seconds and she saw a text from her mother and one from Travis. She didn't need to read her mother's to know what it said so she went directly to Travis'.

Hey! Guess what!

She smiled thinking she already knew what it was.

we get to go on tour post Austin show???

The plane stopped and the threesome picked up their bags from under the seats in front of them and stood up, waiting for all the people in front of them to move out of the way so they could get off. Kelsy ran a hand through her tousled brown hair and looked to Quinn by the window. She'd slept most of the ride and that was the most peaceful Kelsy had seen her look in the last two days. She looked to Alyx in the middle seat, grinning from ear to ear, since she was talking to Alex. That always happens, Kelsy thought chuckling to herself.

They exited the plane and made their way to the baggage claim area down below the terminal, passing the various guitars set at strategic places. They found their bags and walked toward the parking lot, a chill biting into their skin, it had been colder than they expected. They all climbed into their cars, parting until two nights from now, when the Austin show was. Kelsy felt her phone vibrate in her pocket as she shoved her key into her black Jetta. She looked down at its bright white screen. Travis.

Yeah!!!!! R u so excited!?!?!?!?!

Of course Travi! how long do I need to pack for??

She smiled as she slid her phone back into her pocket and saw the other two cars exit the lot. She could almost feel Travis' smile through the phone.

Kelsy press the volume button and Smile Kid started up. She drove out, depositing money when needed and almost didn't notice when her phone vibrated again in her pocket. Once, twice, three times. Somebody was calling her. She jabbed the volume button again and picked up, not bothering to look at who it was.


"Uh, yeah?" She couldn't really tell who it was, since her ears were semi-ringing.

"It's Zach Snyder, the Friday Night Boys' Tour Manager. I need to ask you some questions about Quinn." He had a very business-like voice and it kind of freaked her out.

"Wouldn't it be better to ask her? Or Andrew?"

"No, I need to ask you. I think they would upset her and Andrew wouldn't know the answers."

"Well, what are they?" She asked, just wanting to get this over with.

"Is everybody sure Andrew's the father?"

"Are you fucking kidding me! The girl reads the fucking dictionary at night, is afraid of Gene Simmons and that was probably the first time in her whole life that she even had sex! It's not like the girl gets out much. I mean she's probably got a disease from not doing it." Kelsy felt heat rise to her cheeks. She shouldn't have said that.

"Well, I see that you are going to be absolutely no help at all so I will just call some one else." He hung up.

Kelsy set the phone down in the cup holder and put both hands on the steering wheel, feeling them shake. She pulled into her apartment parking lot, slung her purse on her shoulder, pulled her bag out of the trunk and went inside to the elevator that lead to her apartment. When she got there, the first thing she did was call Alyx.

She answered on the second ring in her normal happy voice. "What's up?"

"Alyx, I really fucked up."

"Kel, what now, did you leave the milk out again?"

"No! I learned not to do that after then first time i did it! Geez! NO, its about Quinn."

"Oh my Gaskarth-"

"I think you're going to have to stop saying that since he's kind of your boyfriend now."

"Whatever. What is it now?"

"The Friday Night Boys tour manager called."


"He asked if we were sure that Andrew was the father."

"What? Why the fuck would he ask that?"

"I don't know. But I got all defensive and told him about her fear of Gene Simmons and, well..."

"Oh my God, you didn't tell him that did you?"

Kelsy was silent.

"Aw, fuck, Kel. Why did you tell him that? He's probably going to get all weird now. Damn."

"I fucked up again."

"No shit, Sherlock. We can fix. Somehow, I'll fix it. What's his number?"

Kelsy looked down at her phone and recited the number that had called her earlier.

"Okay, I'll fix it, don't worry."

"Ally, you are a live saver."
♠ ♠ ♠
yay Austin!
they just got back!
so did I!
so Alyx
how will u fix this hmm?? ;)