‹ Prequel: With Love, Travis

We Lost Ourselves in the Bright Lights

Chapter Seven

My legs were tangled up in the many blankets that the Paris Hotel provided, my face squashed into the swan feathered pillow.
I rolled over, onto my back, my fogged eyes slowly clearing up to the bright Las Vegas sun flooding into my hotel room through the heavy curtains.
A soft sound, tapped against wooden door that separated me and the person keeping me from rolling back onto my stomach and falling asleep.
"Read the sign!" my voice yells, coming out scratchy and harsh.
"It's me!" the sweet sound of Quinn's voice filled my ears.
I sighed.
I yanked the comforter off of me, rolled out of bed and stepped over to the door.
"hey." I say while rubbing my eyes whipping away the purple and green spots I was seeing after staring at the sun.
"Wanna get something to eat before we have to leave for the airport?" she said leaning against the door frame.
"Nah," I say " I'm gonna sleep some more." I say a small smirk pulling up onto my face.
"More sleep?" She asks, shoving herself off the wall. "You do realize that it's 10:50"
"shit" I mumbled under my breath.
"Yeah. I tried to call you to tell you but you didn't answer. Why didn't you answer anyway?" She asked crossing her arms.
"Kelsy lost my phone yesterday." I said, remembering that our journey early this morning had failed.
She laughed. "I'm not surprised. And with Alex Gaskarth's number in there, whoever has it is stalking him."
I laughed along with her, "That's what I said."
Our laughter came to a breathless ending, and when Quinn gasped her next words. "Well" gasp "I'll leave you to pack," gasp "I'm gonna go eat." She smiles and walks down the hall to the elevator.
"See ya," I call down the hallway to her.
I walk back into my room with a sigh, "fuck" I whisper and move over to the set of drawers where I had shoved my clothes into. I began to pull each article of clothing out and re-fold it, only for it to get bunched up again as I shove it in to my bags.
I toss the various bags near the door, pick up the set of I had set out for today, walk into the bathroom and stepping into the shower.
I stepped back out after waking up under the warm waters touch.
I pulled on my clothes, grabbed my bags -and all my other shit- and walked out of the hotel room that had been my home for the week.
I pulled my luggage done the hall, to Quinn's room.
I brought my hand up to the door and knocked.
Nothing happened. The door stayed closed. I thought she must still be eating or went to Kelsy's room, so I began to walk away but Quinn's small frame slowly pulled open the white wooden door.
I took a good look at her. She looked sick. Her hair was still pulled back into it's ponytail but had become lose and strands had fallen out. Her nose was running miles and her eyes were the mouth of a river.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"No." she says quietly. "I think I ate something weird."
"You do remember we have to leave for the airport, like now?" I say.
"Yeah. Go get Kelsy and then come back here. I'm gonna try and clean my self up so the security don't think i have some kind of disease or swine flu."
I lightly laugh. "Okay, see ya soon."
I pull my bags farther down the hall to Kelsy's room.
I knock lightly on her door. Unlike Quinn, Kelsy opens her door immediately.
"Alyx!" She squeals, pulling me into the room.
She holds her right hand over her phone which sits in her right.
"Andrew called me from Travis' phone. He thinks that him and Quinn may have not used a condom. So..." She starts to say and when I look at her blankly not comprehending the words falling out of her lips, she continues, "Our little innocent Quinn May be preggo."
♠ ♠ ♠
Alex Gaskarth's Birthday is soon. (Monday, 14th)
So, is Rian Dawson's. (Friday, 18th)
sorry its not about alex, it will be soon.
They're (Alyx and Quinn) Outfist.