‹ Prequel: With Love, Travis

We Lost Ourselves in the Bright Lights

Chapter Eight

Alyx's mouth dropped open. "What the fuck?! It's fucking Quinn! She reads the fucking dictionary for fun. The Dictionary!!!"

"Dude, I know, but how the fuck are we going to fix this?" Kelsy's eyes had a worried look about them. "I mean it's not like she's ready for a mother fucking baby and she's all against abortions and that shit. So what are we going to do?"

"I have no idea. She looked like hell the last time I saw her." Alyx bit her lip.

"How are we going to tell her?"

"I think she knows."

"Well, then shouldn't we be going to talk to her?"

"Yeah, I guess so. But when I saw her she didn't want to talk to me."

"Ok, maybe not you, but who doesn't want to talk to me?"


"Love you too." Kelsy grabbed Alyx's arm. "Let's go!"


"Go away, you guys, I don't want to talk right now."

"Quinn we are leaving Vegas in an hour and 30 minutes. Get your ass out here because we have to go. Now." They'd been at this 30 minutes and all they'd gotten was a door slammed in their faces.

"Yeah, how do you even know what we're going to talk to you about?" Alyx gave Kelsy a look that said You are the Biggest Moron ever. "I mean if we were even going to talk to you about anything."

Quinn walked out the same way Alyx had seen her earlier, maybe a little worse. Her short,mousy, black hair was every where. It looked worse now than Kelsy's had this morning. Her makeup had run, showing the path of her tears down her unusually pale cheeks. Her eyes were red, and her nails were bitten down to the quick. Oh shit, she does know, Kelsy thought.

Kelsy pulled Quinn into a hug. "It's ok, it's ok." Alyx soon joined, making the group have to move inside the hotel room. The room was pretty clean, except the bed and the bathroom, both of which were a wreck. They sat on the bed, still muttering that it would be ok.

"No, it won't be! I have to keep it if I am because if I don't then I'll be a hypocrite and I can't live with that and what hell am I going to do? " She'd started sobbing again.

"You could be like Juno?" Kelsy offered.

"Ok, stupid she's not sixteen, she's twenty one. That's not gonna work." Alyx gave her a what the fuck was that for? look.

"Not what I meant, I mean she could put it up for adoption, dumbass and I know how old she is." Kelsy returned it with a ha look.

"That might be a good idea..." Quinn piped up.

"Ok, well we're going to have to figure this out later because if we don;t we're going to miss our flight." Alyx stood up and grabbed both of their hands, pulling them up. They hugged Quinn again and then helped her get the rest of her things together.

"Oh, just on a random note, I found your phone Alyx."
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oh and mayday parade is gonna b there too... go take action tour 2010! :D
<3 ya trav!