99 Souls

1st night

1st Night


Somewhere near midnight, a motorcycle sped along the empty streets of Moscow, Russia. It stopped upon finally reaching its two passengers’ destination: A large church where several people had supposedly disappeared lately.

“This the place?” the driver asked irritably. His passenger nodded, and they parked the bike in an alley near the building and dismounted.

The passenger was Maka Albarn, Scythe Technician of Shibusen, a petite girl with gray-blonde hair, green eyes, and a long black coat. The driver was her partner weapon, Soul “Eater” Evans, a white-haired boy with red eyes and very sharp teeth who could become a wicked looking scythe with a mere thought.

Soul was not in a good mood this evening. Though he normally just tried to play it cool, the weapon was far too tired from helping Blair move in to care right now. The magical cat had shown her gratitude by giving them both a hug, but while the hug she gave Maka was merely friendly, the hug she’d given him was quite… affectionate. She’d made a rather specific point of rubbing her rather large chest in his face as she squeezed him tightly around the waist. Maka had apparently not appreciated this gesture, but had for some reason decided to brain him with one of her patented Maka Chops rather than the cat-woman. He realized that she was probably still a little upset over the trick he’d pulled during their last battle with Blair, but that did little to soothe his still-aching head.

“Why did we agree to take that cat in, again?” Soul grumbled for the 5th time that evening.

And for the 5th time Maka answered, “Because we completely destroyed her house to goad her into that last fight.”

“Heh, oh yeah!” the boy grinned at the memory, suddenly in better mood, “I told ya the direct way was best. Sneaking around just isn’t our style. Not cool at all.”

Maka rolled her eyes at this. She had to admit there was some truth in his statement. The times they’d tried to sneak up on her had all ended disastrously, and only after a full-scale fight in the streets had they managed to take her down. Unfortunately, Blair had not been a witch as they first though, but was instead a simple cat with strong magic. This meant that Soul had not only failed to consume the Witch’s soul needed to turn him into a Death Scythe, but he’d also had the 99 evil souls they’d previously acquired confiscated, meaning they’d have to start the entire process over!

Rather than dwelling on these annoyances, Maka decided it was time to focus on the task at hand. “According to records, this place is where is where the monk Rasputin was supposedly laid to rest after he died.”

“Can’t be all that dead if he’s on Shinigami-sama’s list,” Soul replied.

“He’s used the souls of innocents to become a sort of undead wizard,” Maka explained, “A ‘lich’, if I remember correctly.”

“You always do,” the weapon said, giving her a toothy smirk. He looked up to see a large shadow pass over an upstairs window. “That’s probably him up there. What do you want to do with this one?”

She thought for a moment before smiling cutely and replying, “Let’s just walk right in there and meet your meal face-to-face.”

Soul’s smirk turned into a wide, sharp-toothed grin, “Very cool!”

Moments later they were crashing through the window of the church, with Maka using the heel of her boot to propel the head of her scythe straight into the head of their opponent. Apparently when she’d said that soul should meet his prey face-to-face, she meant it literally. The force was so great that they were all knocked through another window in the back of the room, which lead into the main hall of the church.

Soul smiled silently from within his scythe form as Maka repeated a phrase similar to the ones she’d used so many times before.

“Phantom Priest Rasputin! Your soul… is mine! Let’s go, Soul Eater!”

Soul whispered excitedly as the battle began, “Here comes soul number one!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, here goes nothing. This is the first chapter of what is likely to be a huge venture. I'm hoping to eventually do all 99 souls in some way shape or form, since we never actually get to see them in the manga. This is sort of a project that stemmed from being bored on a rainy day, so I wont promise regular updates (though I'm really gonna try for one a week). Chapters will hopefully get longer, either because I write longer "nights" or lump multiple nights into the same chapter. We'll see how it works, I guess.

That said, if anyone has any suggestions for villains in this series, I'm open to them. I have the first four nights planned out, and the last night as well, but that leaves 94 souls unnamed, and the whole point of this story is to fill in that gap. I could do it myself, but I'd like to hear what other people think would be fun to see. I'd like to stick with the horror movie/crime theme that many of the current evil souls have shown, but I wont necessarily turn down a good idea from another genre. Just write it out in a review or PM and I'll see if I can work it in.

Hope you enjoyed this ......