Your Future

Your Future

Imagine you are walking along a dark alley. (I don’t know why, you just are.) Suddenly you hear a strange sound behind you. You turn and there is nothing there. You are convinced that you were just hearing things because it is so late at night. You continue on your way undeterred. You hear another strange sound. This time you are positive that it is not your imagination. You round on whatever might be behind you. Then… you freeze. There, no more than five feet in front of you, is Gaara of the Desert. He stares at you with an unblinking glare that could freeze the center of the earth and kill of the strongest of beasts. You feel yourself shaking in your shoes as he slowly, and deliberately walks toward you. As he walks, it feels like time itself has stopped. You feel like you’ve been holding your breath and you can feel your heart beating its last pitiful beats. Then, suddenly, you are jerked back to reality by cold, staring eyes staring right into your very frightened soul. Then, you see the scariest thing you have ever seen in your life, Gaara’s deadly smile. You stare back knowing that these are your last moments on this earth. You try to think of any regrets you might have but your mind completely fails you as you stare into those unblinking eyes. Then you finally come to terms that this is really it; you are going to die and there is no way around it. Then you return your gaze to that of your killer when you hear a deathly voice speak your name. Just as you think it is all over, Gaara stares right into your eyes and says, “Look up my nose and see your future!”