Status: active

Much Better

Chapter 2

Back at home on Toluca Lake, Olivia couldn't wait to crawl into bed with a mug of hot chocolate and watch 'The Notebook. ' She was a sucker for romance.

Suddenly, she got a text message from Nick Jonas. Yes, she knew him as well as all his brothers. She used to be their opening act but now she was headlining her own tour in about 2 months. Nick was the quietest but also in her opinion the funniest, he only opened his mouth when he had something important to say but it was always worth it to listen to him. Joe was the loudest and sometimes the most annoying of the bunch, and Kevin was sweet and also very funny.

Scanning the message, she sighed and put her head on her pillow. She had a bit of a thing for Nick, along with 2 million other girls. Okay, she lied. A LOT of a thing. He was single, he didn't lie to the press, but she knew he wasn't interested in a relationship right now. Not after Miley had broken his heart. He called it one of his biggest regrets, but he had fallen for her and paid the consequences. They had a short, bad romance and he could see that she was NOT the one for him. Obviously she didn't take that very well.

Olivia secretly hoped everyday at 11:11 that Nick would see SHE was the one for him. She missed the days when she and him would sit backstage, playing chords on their guitars and bonding. She missed his smell of Old Spice and spearmint, with just a hint of sweet vanilla. She hadn't seen him or his brothers in about a month and it was killing her.

Thinking about Nick got her inspired. She turned off the television and even though her fingers ached, she grabbed her guitar and started strumming a few chords and humming along. And even though it was late, even though she was tired, even though she had a huge performance the next day, Olivia stayed up three more hours to write a heartfelt love song....about Nick.
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