Status: active

Much Better

Chapter 3

Nick's POV.

"Hey, Nick, pass me the OPB would ya?" Joe grunted as he tried and failed to slice an apple. Nick rolled his eyes and tossed the peanut butter across the table and returned to the blank page in front of him.

"SCORE! And the crowd goes wild! Nick Jonas winning the game for the Roaddogs! Ahhh!" Kevin laughed and gladly accepted Joe's high-five.

"KEVIN! Really?" Nick stared him down, but Kevin eventually broke down into a fit of laughter and lost.

"Dude, no need to be so serious..." He said nonchalantly as he glanced out their tour bus window at the passing...well....nothing. It was completely black outside.

"Yes, there is. I need to write a new song!" Nick grumbled and crumpled up the paper, with a angry jerk of his wrist, threw it at the wall. Kevin and Joe exchanged a look, grabbed all their stuff, and left the room, Joe munching on his apple and getting it all over his face. Nick rubbed his forehead and pinched his nose, that usually helped him concentrate. 30 minutes later, he still had nothing. This wasn't normal for him. He picked up his guitar and strummed a few chords, still, nothing. He let out an aggrivated sigh, and Joe yelled from the other room over the sound of NFL Football 09.

"Nick, man, text Olive!" Olive was Joe's nickname for Olivia, aka, who Nick liked. Well, not liked. More than that. She made his heart race and his palms get all sweaty and his cheeks get all red and warm. Everytime he sang those love songs on stage, he thought of her beautiful face, her one freckle on her cheek, her brown eyes that held so much more than an iris and a pupil. He took a deep breath and decided Joe was right, for once. Thinking about Olivia should get him inspired. So, he quickly fired off a text with his experienced thumbs and waiting patiently for a reply.

Soon enough, she had texted back. A smile came across his face and he was glad no one else was in the room to see. After a few minutes of conversation, Nick suddenly felt like he was struck by lightening. Of course! It was so obvious! And even though it was late, even though his brothers were being obnoxiously loud in the next room over, Nick wrote a gorgeous love song.....about Olivia.
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OPB: Joe's term for organic peanut butter. :) Comments?? :D