Status: Hiatus. A short one I hope.


talk like an open book

Sierra was not looking forward to final exams, he still felt like everyone in his classes looked at him like he was some freak. He thought that with starting college he'd be able to get away from all the immaturity, but he was definitely mistaken. Only because Christmas break was a couple weeks away was he able to feel like he could get through it. His older sister would be coming home and most likely bringing some guy along with her. Sierra wasn't really looking forward to that part of the holiday, but he knew that there wasn't any way he could get out of it either.


Kaelyn smiled as she took the coffee the employee behind the counter was handing her. Nodding her head in thanks she turned and walked to the small counter where are all red straws and hand-guards -- as she liked to call them -- were. She slipped the sleeve on her hot cup of caffeine and made her way over to the magazine stand. As she stood browsing the ridiculous titles: "How to lose ten pounds in five days!" and, "Is your boyfriend cheating on you? The fifteen easy ways to find out on page 23!" She heard someone starting to raise their voice at the dark-headed girl working the register.

"I told you, a thirteen shot venti soy hazelnut vanilla cinnamon white mocha with extra white mocha and caramel!" the man barked.

"I'm sorry-I'm sorry!" the girl replied, looking as if she was having a panic attack.

Seeing that the bartista was having some trouble fixing up the order, Kaelyn walked up to the little swinging door and knocked on it getting the girl and the man's attention.

"May I help?" Kaelyn asked.

Looking very relieved the girl took a deep breath. And nodding her head she whispered a soft, "Thank you."

"It's no problem."


Sierra was immediately greeted by Lady, the family dog, who was a mix breed of Rottweiler and German Shepard when he walked through the front door. He knelt down and scratched behind her ears and under her chin, smiling as she got that 'Oh, yeahhh' look on her face. She jumped up and put one paw on each of Sierra's shoulders making him silently laugh, "Good girl," he whispered.

He then saw that his mother had walked up to them. As she stood there in the entrance of the living room smiling, Sierra waved to her. She waved back, knowing that he didn't like to talk much even when he was home around family. He was only coming home for brunch (with much insistence from his mother) he had to go back to school to take a final exam at one o' clock. And he wasn't even sure where the exam was taking place, the professor was supposed to e-mail him the classroom number.


Kaelyn left the coffee shop walking down to the cute little vintage-slash-thrift store that was pretty much her second home. She was in there so much that everyone knew her by name. Kaelyn also had a friend that worked there that would save some of the things that she knew Kaelyn would like. Just little things really, earrings, necklaces, scarfs. None of the big sales items like dresses, shoes, or skirts.

As she walked in Kaelyn's eyes quickly landed on a sweater that just screamed her name. It was the perfect color to go with a pair of boots her friend Hayley had given her because she never wore them. And when Kaelyn saw that is was her exact size she knew that she had to get it. It's an early Christmas present to myself, she decided.
♠ ♠ ♠
I cut this in half, so the other half will be going up very very soon.
I just want to know what you guys think.
I'm kinda nervous about this story, I'm not sure why.

So, please, just comment and tell me what you think?
And if you do, I'll give you that other half of this.

Kaelyn's name is pronounced: KAY-LYN
Just so there's no confusion. :)