Status: Hiatus. A short one I hope.


i wish you would

"Good luck on your exam," Sierra's mother told him as she held the front door open.

He smiled and nodded, giving her a hug and then left. Sierra just wanted to find his class and get the final over with. The sooner he was done taking finals the sooner he could just go home and do nothing but play video games and sleep. Sierra wasn't normally a big gamer, but it passes the time much more nicely than studying.

When he got to his college campus he then started the search to find the classroom he was supposed to take his exam in. His professor sent him the e-mail, but Sierra still had no clue where the room was. Apparently there was a building that he didn't even know about. He hated the fact that they couldn't take the exam in the room the class had been held all semester, but because his professor was only and a part-time instructor he didn't really have his own classroom.


Kaelyn walked into her apartment, placing her keys on the table by the door and made her way to her bedroom. As she took her new sweater out of the bag and hung up in her closet she called out to her roommate Carol, "Hey, C.C.!"

"Yeah?" Carol yelled.

"I saw this cute skirt you would've like!" Kaelyn smiled.

"Really?" Carol asked as she stood in the doorway of Kaelyn's room.

Kaelyn nodded her head smiling at her.

"At the that little shop, right?"

"Uh huh," she said in a sing-song voice.

"How much was it? 'Cause I've gotta have money to buy gifts."


Carol gasped.


Sierra sighed in relief when he finally found it, looking down at his watch he was glad he came a couple hours early or he would have been late. He quickly jogged up the steps to the second floor and proceeded to look for room two-hundred-thirteen. He ended up walking down several hallways more than twice to realize that he passed it almost three times.

It bothered him the window was covered with paper and he looked around to see that all of them were the same. Sierra assumed that it was so no one would get distracted by other students in the hallways while taking their exam. But he always liked to peek in to find a seat before he went in the classroom. Sierra sighed once more and quickly opened the door.


Kaelyn walked into the Chemistry part of the Science building, making her way to her class to take her final. Part of her --- the geek part --- was a little excited for the exam. She had always done well when taking Chemistry in high school and she knew that she was definitely aceing the class she was taking now. So she knew she was going to have no problem with this test.

When she sat down she noticed that the girl that she talked to all the time, but could never remember her name, wasn't there yet. So Kaelyn sat and started to sharpen her three pencils as she waited. She glanced around the classroom to see that a lot of people weren't there. It made her wonder if there was students that were failing this class. Kaelyn didn't ever really make friends in her classes, if she ever made friends at her school it was either the cafeteria or the library. So she didn't know who was there to take the exam and who wasn't.


Taking the exam from the kid in front of him, Sierra sighed once again. He told himself that he was going to do the best that he could, and that's all he could do at this point. So he sat there for almost two hours bubbling in answers. Some he was sure of, others, not so much. When he finished he gathered his things and walked up to the table in front of the classroom, putting down his test paper and answer sheet. He politely smiled to the professor and then left.

After taking his last exam, Sierra couldn't believe that the semester was finally over. He walked outside and down to the courtyard to get to the bus stop. He watched all the other students laughing and talking and couldn't help but wish he could be like them. Maybe even just for a day, just to see what it was like. Being too distracted, Sierra didn't notice a girl that was standing in the middle of the courtyard until he literally bumped into her.

Her head snapped up to look at him and he got a glimpse at her eyes, but couldn't tell what color they were. The wind blew her long dark hair into her face. When she looked back at him, Sierra could tell that she had said something, but he didn't know what. Smiling apolitically he tried to watch her lips, and all he caught was three "I'm sorry"'s. Sierra smiled again and nodded his head, trying to tell her that everything was fine, but he wasn't sure that she understood.
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I am very sorry that I didn't get this on here sooner, I didn't expect to be so busy! I would have made this chapter a little longer, but right now I'm at my best friend's Grandmother's house and I'm supposed to help cook.

So I'll update again as soon as I can.