Gaara and His Socks

Gaara and His Socks

Temari paused on her way back to her room one night to yawn. I knew I shouldn’t have had that third glass of milk before bed. She sighed heavily and continued to walk down the hallway. She passed by Kankuro’s room on the right side of the hallway without a second thought. Nothing was out of the ordinary there. Kankuro, like always, was snoring up a storm. When they were younger, and Temari and Kankuro both had to share the same room, Temari had never been able to get to sleep without ear plugs. Finally, her father gave into her constant begging, and allowed her to have her own room. I swear he could probably fool the entire village into thinking there was an earthquake with all that snoring.

Her bare feet slapped along the wooden floor as she continued on past the part of the hallway that was Kankuro’s. She stopped instantly when she heard something from within Gaara’s room. She stared at the door for a few minutes as if she thought it was the one that had made the noise and she expected it to do it again. Then, just as she was about to blame the noise on her being tired, the sound came yet again. But, it wasn’t the door that the sound was coming from. No, the sound was coming from the other side. Temari moved very hesitantly toward the door. She didn’t want Gaara to catch her spying on him. If he did… she didn’t even want to think of what might happen then.

She moved ever closer to the door, until she was right next to it. She strained to hear something from inside, but was only greeted with silence. She moved her head closer to the door, and could make out slight mumbling sounds coming from the other side. Was Gaara talking to someone?

Now, Temari really wanted to know what was going on. She shoved her ear against the door, straining to hear whatever Gaara was saying. What she made out, was not what she would have ever expected in her wildest dreams.

“Aren’t you just the cutest thing? Yes you are my little bibbly, gibbly, gooby, goo. I love you my precious little socky wokeys. You’re so soft and cuddly my little bambino bably boos.”

Temari’s eyes widened in both shock and humor. She had to back away from the door quickly and continue down the hall before Gaara could hear her trying not to laugh. When she finally made it to her room, she absolutely burst into laughter. She literally fell onto her bed laughing. Tears ran down her red cheeks, and those same red cheeks were starting to turn blue, because, in her laughter, Temari was forgetting to breath. When she finally managed to calm down and catch her breath about thirty minutes later, she was startled by a knock on her door. Getting up off of her bed, which was now messy because of her fidgeting during her laughter, she crossed over to her door and opened it.

Well wouldn’t ya know it, the one behind the door was none other than Gaara. Temari froze instantly at the sight of her youngest brother. He had a look on his face that she had seen too many times to forget. It was the oh so famous Gaara death glare. “H-h-hey Gaara. What do ya need?” Gaara squinted his eyes at his sister. She knew, and she could not be allowed to live as long as she knew.

“You know don’t you?” Temari’s eyes widened in horror.

Temari was never seen again. Soon, Kankuro also disappeared in much the same way as his sister. Many more followed before people finally realized something. Don’t listen in when Gaara is having a conversation with his soft and cuddly socks.