Status: hiatus

A Dragon's True Nature

An Unsettling Message

*Sounds like she's had a hard life.* Darigan says, looking at Kanashii.

"She has, but of course she'd never say anything about it." Arya says in a sad voice.

*Why would her own mother turn against her?* Darigan questions, looking at Arya with barely controlled eyes. Arya sighs.

"Because, when she got pregnant with Kanashii, Zereron had yet to become a forsworn." Arya says with a strange look on her face. Darigan looks at Arya with confusion.

*But that would make her older than she says she is.* Darigan says with a look of absolute astonishment on his face that quickly switches to one of irritation.

"So you have found out her secret She's actually over a century old." Arya says with a smile on her face. Darigan looks at Kanashii with surprise.

*Then why does everyone say that she is a mere twenty human years old?* Darigan asks, looking at Arya with questioning eyes.

" see, all those that live in the human kingdom believe her to be a halfling. Not many know that her blood contains no other species than elf. So, Galbatorix had to come up with an age that would fit with her looks." Arya says with a look of deep concentration on her face. Darigan nods his head in understanding.

*That makes perfect sense.* Darigan says as he turns, allowing Arya to remove Kanashii from his back.

"Yeah...and it also puts her at Galbatorix's castle when all the elves were killed." Arya says in an oddly light voice, despite the weight in her arms as she removes the straps from around Kanashii's legs, and lifts her out of the saddle. Darigan's eyes go wide as he turns to look at Arya as soon as she had gotten Kanashii out of the saddle.

*What did she do?* Darigan asks, looking at Arya with questioning eyes. Arya shakes her head, and looks at Kanashii.

"You have to ask Kanashii that one. For I will not be the one responsible for telling you that story. She shall already be angry for me telling you what I have today." Arya says, shaking her head.

*BUT!!* Darigan shouts, looking at Arya with disbelief.

"No! I shall not! It is not my place to tell you such things!" Arya shouts throwing her one hand in a diagnal line in front of her.

*Fine.* Darigan says, shaking his head. The two of them walk into a room, where Arya lays Kanashii on one of the beds, before touching Kanashii's stomach. Kanashii stiffens involentarily. Arya reaches into her pack, and pulls out some kind of powder. She then puts it in the wound, and watches as the wound reopens itself. *What are you DOING!!?* Darigan demands, baring his teeth in a warning as he watches Kanashii's face distort in pain.

"Reopening the wound to treat it!" Arya says, looking at Darigan with a raised eyebrow. She then pulls a crystal of black liquid out of her pocket, and opens it before she lets the liquid flow into the wound. Darigan watches as steam begins to rise from the wound. After the whole crystal has been emptied, he turns to look at Arya with expectant eyes. "She'll be fine, though she's going to be sleeping for a while yet." Arya says as she stands up. "I'll be back in a few days to check on her. Oh, Darigan." Arya says as she turns back to Darigan.

*What?* Darigan asks, turning to look at her.

"If she should wake before I return, DO NOT let her get to her feet." Arya says with a completely serious look on her face. Darigan nods his head, a little shocked at the seriousness she had said that the sentence in, and watches as Arya leaves. When the door closes, he turns to back to look at Kanashii's unconscious form.

*I sure hope it was treated in time.* Darigan says in a worried voice before sighing, and laying down with his head on the bed. He closes his eyes as thoughts begin to roll around in his head before one memory in particular comes to mind. The memory of Arya saying that Kanashii had been at Galbatorix's castle when all the elves were killed. *What could have happened? Did she kill her own kind?* Darigan wonders in a worried voice as he looks at Kanashii. He shakes his head in denial of the thought.
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