War of the Angels


Corey quickly pulled out his blade, a smile grew an Leon's face.

"So, you found it did you?"

That was all he said, as he paced away, Crystal and Jennifer quickly disappeared out of Corey's sight as well. Suddenly a large voice came from out of nowhere.

"Loveon, try and survive. Maybe you really are Chris' son." The voice said

As the voice disappeared from Corey's head, a large figure appeared out of nowhere, a large blade emerging from his wrist. Corey quickly parried the attempted kill hit, and struck down the figure, which turned out to be one of Leon's personal guard. Corey quickly curried forth, jumping over various obstacles and disposing of Leon's personal guard as he advanced. When he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his arm; He turned and saw that a sharp blade had been carved into it. He screamed out in pain, but when he did the blade disappeared, and the voice returned,

It said "Is that all you can take Loveon? Such a shame, you don't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as the legendary Chris Loveon. You don't even deserve to bear the name Loveon!" Leon said, his harsh words piercing Corey's heart.

Corey quickly arose, as time began to slow down a sudden flash of light appeared. Corey's eyes, now a deep red, shined their dark glare at the guard who stabbed him. Corey rushed forth, he howled a deep growl as he jammed his blade into the guards heart. He then ripped it out, smiling as it pulsed in his hand. He threw it to the ground, his hair had now become a bright white color.

"So," The voice said "You really are Chris' son. Half demon, Half angel." The voice remarked

Corey had no idea what to do with all of his power, he just kept killing, killing, killing. He couldn't think of anything else to do. He was out of control, that is until Crystal showed up.

"Corey, please calm down." She said in a calm voice.

"C-Crystal?" Corey said in shock "What are you doing here?"

"I came to calm you down silly." She said giggling as she jumped at Corey, hugging him.

Corey soon saw Leon and Jennifer emerge from the shadows, smiling at Corey's triumph.

"Your father's legacy has been completed," Leon said "Corey Loveon, you are now the new protector."

Corey didn't know what to say, more questions emerged from his head. He had no idea what Leon's words meant, so he just went along with it. Suddenly Leon grabbed Corey by the arm, pulling him away from Crystal.

"Corey, it's time your find your true fate." Leon said "I'm sorry for this. It's for the best."

Leon pushed Corey away, as he held up a gun to his head, despite the pleas from Crystal for him to put the gun down.

"This time, it's not a joke." Leon said dryly.
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I hope you liked it :D Tell me what I did right or wrong pleaseee :P