War of the Angels

A Place Where You Belong

Corey and Lucifer stood, eyes locked, blades at ready.

"So Loveon," Lucifer chuckled "Tell me, do you want to die?"

"I wouldn't be too sure of yourself this time demon. I will destroy you." Corey calmly retorted

As these words were said, two white wings sprouted out of Corey's back and red lines began to cover his body, all connecting at his heart.

"So, you have discovered what your father could never achieve. The perfect balance. Maybe you shall pose a challenge to me after all." Lucifer spoke in a monotone voice.

"En Garde." Corey said

At the same instant the two blades struck at each other, and once more, and once more; Sparks flew out of the blades as they struck against each other; Their thunderous crackling pierced each other's ears as they fought.

Corey quickly let out a long breath before he resumed fighting.

"Getting tired are we Loveon? Shame...your father lasted much longer than you." Lucifer defiantly screamed out, "I'm sorry this has to end so soon. I thought you'd let me have some fun this time."

Lucifer quickly struck Corey's blade 3 times, disarming Corey and sending him flying back on the third strike. Corey groped around for his blade, but as he grabbed it, a sharp pain struck his body. He mustered whatever strength he had left in order to look up and see what had caused such a pain; It was Lucifer's blade, planted straight in his hand.

"Sh-shit..." Corey whispered to himself "I'm really done for aren't I?"

"Hahahaha Loveon, I have waited for this moment for years." Lucifer bellowed "My time is finally here."

Lucifer raised his curved blade out of Corey's hand, making sure to cut it off so Corey can't grab his sword. He raised his blade straight over his heart, where all the red lines had converged, and as he prepared to strike. He uttered out a scream unlike nothing Corey had heard in his life.

Lucifer looked down and saw a blade straight through his heart. He weakly spat out "Wh-what is the meaning of this?" As he turned his head slowly, he saw Crystal, standing there , arm extended, blade through his heart. "Y-you fucking angelic whore! How...HOW DARE YOU!"

As he uttered his final words he mustered any strength left in his body to raise his blade....

High above Corey's heart...

And jammed it straight through.

"If I die today Loveon. I shall take you with me." Lucifer said with his dying breath as he collapsed.

"NOOOOO" Crystal screamed out, "Corey! No! No! No! This isn't happening!"

She quickly ran over to Corey, but it was too late. He had already died, Crystal for a moment thought that it would be like a fairy tale; He would suddenly get up, kiss her, and reassure her that everything is alright, but that didn't happen, much to her dismay. So Crystal, tears streaming down her face closed Corey's now dead eyes, slowly got up, went outside, and flew toward the heavens.
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Well I will have an epilogue to clear up anything else. BUT I am proud to say that I have completed my first (Albeit short) story I hope you enjoyed it! :D