War of the Angels


As Corey stared down the barrel of the gun, time quickly came to a halt, as Coluyer prepared the trigger Corey quickly darted out of the way and disarmed him. Coluyer, in his surprise uttered a shriek heard all the way to the heaven.

"What the fuck?!" he screamed " How the hell did he do that?!"

"It seems he has powers of his own," remarked Angeline "So he is my son after all."

Corey, unable to make sense of what had just unfolded in front of his own eyes, thousands of questions swirled around his head.

"What am I? Who am I? How did I do that?" Corey thought,

Coluyer, who seemed to be aware of the situation put his hand on Corey's shoulder, trying to soothe the raging emotions that were brewing in Corey.

"Dormire sonni tranquilli, ben presto tutte le vostre domande avranno una risposta" he remarked in the same language that Corey had never heard before.

"What the fuck are you saying?!" Corey screamed in his rage, "First you try to kill me! Now you try and soothe me? Who are you? What are you! just leave me alone you...you...thing!"

Coluyer recoiled in horror as these words were uttered, as he quickly prepared a retort to the statement,

Angeline quickly interjected "HEY now you two! Stop fighting! We are all famil-"

"Family?" Corey quickly asked, "This THING is my family!?"

"Yes, Corey, he is our guardian angel, I'm sorry I never told you before."

"What else have you kept from me?! What's next?! We have a crazy cult that worships animals in our backyard?" Corey screamed in his rage.

Coluyer couldn't help but crack a smile at this comment, for he had had past experiences with such cults.

"I believe its time that you find out the truth." Angeline told Corey with a smile.

"What is the truth then?" Corey curiously asked

"Our family--the Loveon family, are actually experts at demon hunting, through all of our generations, it is in your blood to kill demons, and banish them back to their master in hell." Angeline said

"Really? Are you fucking joking me? Why has this been a secret for such a long time?! Is this how dad disappeared, or did he die and you never had the good will to fucking tell me?!" Corey was screaming, throwing a tantrum of an unimaginable magnitude for a 15 year old.

"I think its time we show him the hide-out, before he rips this entire place apart, we don't know the length of his abilities yet." Coluyer remarked, a fear slowly growing in his heart.

As these words were said, two majestic wings emerged from Coluyer's back.

"Time to go," he said as he picked up Corey and Angeline, "Our next destination--the sanctuary of tears" He said as he began to fly toward the sky.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Italian is translated as follows: "Rest Easy, soon all Your Questions will be answered"

Well chapter 3 in 2 days, I won't update this much soon but please enjoy, and comment on what you like and don't like. ;)