War of the Angels


As Coluyer flew higher and higher toward the sanctuary, Corey began to feel his lungs compressing tighter and tighter until he eventually fainted. Coluyer looked on his back and saw this, a small smile grew on his face and Angeline's as they grew closer to their destination.

"Ah, he looks just like his father," Coluyer remarked, "do you think he will have the same impact on the world?"

"I think," Angeline answered "That he will have an even bigger impact than his father's"

When Corey reawakened he was greeted by the sight of a hooded woman, tending to him.

"Wh-where am I?" Corey asked.

"You are in the sanctuary of tears Il mio amico, you are safe here." The hooded figure answered.

"Who are you? Wait no, what are you?" Corey asked in a quiet, fearful voice.

"I am an angel, a healer angel." The figure remarked

Upon these words Corey fainted again, the magnitude of the events that had occurred to him today proved to be too much for his frail human body. The next morning, Corey awoke to the sound of his mother screaming for him to wake up, these words created a hope in Corey that maybe yesterday was all a dream, but alas to no avail he woke up on pure silk white sheets, and the sound of a strange music that he had never heard before. Corey's first instinct was to follow the sound of the music, so he did, it led him to a beautiful woman with a slender body, jet black hair, and almost golden eyes. Corey, of course had to restrain himself from drooling over the angel.

"Sorry," She said, "may I help you?"

"Um uh um uhm wha-what is that music that is playing?" Corey nervously remarked,

"Oh I'm sorry was it too loud for you?" She said, a comical smile forming on her lips.

"Oh no no no no no, I actually was enjoying it." Corey awkwardly replied "What is it called?"

"its called Wait And Bleed by Slipknot, It's an angel's favorite band." She answered

"Isn't Slipknot more of a demon's style of band?" Corey quickly answered

"Of course not," She flatly replied, "did those dumb humans create rumors about that too? Hip-hop and rap are the demon's music, everyone knows that" She angrily remarked

At this Corey began to laugh until he could not breathe, all his life he was called "emo" or "suicidal" for hating rap and hip-hop music, when in fact this whole time, he was actually more of an angel than the posers that listened to hip-hop and rap. This, was a huge accomplishment for him seeing as he never actually did anything significant in his life.

"I'm sorry," the angel suddenly said " I never got you name, I'm Crystal"

"M-my name is Corey, Corey Loveon, pl-pleasure to meet you." Corey said nervously

"YOU ARE COREY LOVEON?!" Crystal screamed "OH MY G-D! I'm so excited to meet you! Wow! One of the Loveon's in my lifetime?! This is amazing!!"

Corey was bewildered by Crystal's sudden outburst,

"What brought that on?" Corey thought silently "What's so special about my family?"

"Can I give you a tour please? Please???" Crystal begged

"S-sure you can" Corey said a smile growing in his heart.

As Crystal grabbed Corey's hand she quickly took him on a tour of the sanctuary. Corey soon had one burning question, what are tears? What do they do?

So Corey asked Crystal, "What are tears?"

Crystal quickly turned around shocked and answered "Tears are the life force of Angels! I need them! Coluyer needs them! We all need them!"

Corey, quickly grew afraid at this remark and tried to form a syllable to answer to this outburst, so he remained silent. Crystal soon realized the error of her ways and tried to remedy the situation.

"I think, that its time you see the haven of tears Corey." Crystal said.

Upon these words Crystal quickly sprouted her wings, except something was different. Her wings were a brilliant gold instead of a normal white, they resembled something that Corey had only seen in his dreams, quickly, he fell even more in love with Crystal. Crystal, who noticed Corey staring couldn't help but giggle, she knew that look, he was falling in love with her, to her joy.

"So, are you gonna get on my back, or am I gonna stand here waiting all day?" Crystal shouted

"I-I-I'm coming" Corey shouted in return

Upon these words, Corey jumped on Crystal's back, and the two began to fly too a scene that Corey had thought was only supposed to be seen in fairy tales, flowers of every color stretching as far as the eye can see, while Corey got lost in this vision, soon a voice interrupted him.

"Were here." Crystal said in a frightened voice.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Italian is "My friend"

and I use Loveon no as Love-On but its pronounced Lov-ee-on =]

Remember please comment if u life it, and if I can improve it

and I know its not terribly exciting this chapter so sorry :/