War of the Angels


As Crystal attempted to land, they were met by the roar of a thousand demons attacking.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Crystal screamed, "I thought this was a haven! Not a fucking war zone!"

Upon these words a demon spotted Crystal and Corey, and screamed out some incoherent words, which upon escaping the demon's vile throat, turned 1000's of demon's attention to the two.

"Oh shit...this isn't good," Corey nervously remarked "Any ideas Crystal?" He quickly added as the two began to be surrounded.

"Yes, I have one." She quickly answered, her entire body glowing

Soon the entire haven was consumed by Crystal's blinding light--and then, it was all gone, all the demons were gone, and Crystal lay unconscious on the ground. Corey quickly ran to her in despair and felt for a heartbeat, there was none.

"No! You can't! NO! Don't Die! Please Don't Die!" Corey screamed

Upon these words a quick flicker of light appeared in front of Corey and out of it Coluyer and Angeline emerged, Corey, distraught with the apparent death of Crystal, quickly ran to the two and fell into his mother's arms tears flowing down his cheeks. Coluyer quickly ran over to Crystal to survey the damage that was done, and then quickly he checked on Crystal.

"La morte non vi reclamerà oggi giovani uno" Coluyer quickly spoke as he created a 6 sided star around Crystal "Ritorni dal creatore, ritorni noi."

Upon these words, a brilliant white light surrounded Crystal, her one pale, limp body soon returned to life, and her hair, now turned pale white, returned to its beautiful jet-black. Corey, unable to make of this event could think of nothing to do, except for run up to Crystal and embrace her.

"You're Alive! You're Alive!" Corey screamed in joy.

"Yea," Crystal weakly said "I guess I am."

Coluyer then decided that it was the correct time to interrupt the two with his own comment,

"Crystal, how did someone as young as you learn that type of ability? You are only 1,000 years old! I am 5,000 and I can barely even take out 200 maybe 300 demons with the Flash of Death." Coluyer remarked, impressed by her ability.

"I..I don't know what happened, Corey and I were surrounded and well I didn't want to see him hurt..." Crystal's voice trailed off into a whisper, " I just...I just...wanted him to be..."

"To be what?" Corey asked

"To be safe." Crystal finally admitted

"Why would you want me to be safe? Why didn't you save yourself? You've only known me for about an hour!" Corey screamed

"Its..its.. because I'm obsessed with you, with who you are, I...want to know more about you." Crystal sheepishly replied

Corey had no idea how to reply to these words that had just been spoken, no girl had ever liked him, no girl had ever even noticed him. All he could do is stare in a numb shock at Crystal, she giggled like a little girl, she noticed that he liked her back, so she decided to start somewhere, she quickly ran up to him and give him a small kiss on his cheek, retreating to see his reaction. Corey turned all red, not knowing what to do he retreated behind his mom, as if he had regressed to the age of 5. Crystal soon did the same, except instead of hiding, she ran up to Corey and attempted to apologize. Corey still had no words, he was feeling butterflies in his stomach.

"So," Coluyer said attempting to break the silence, "This is what young love is like."

Angeline simply laughed and told Coluyer "Aw just shut up, let the two figure this out for themselves."

But before anything could be done, a scream was heard from the main gate,

"They're Here! By The Creator! They're Here! They're Here!" Screamed one of the guards.

Upon these words Coluyer and Crystal sprouted their wings and in unison said, "Get on, lets go"
♠ ♠ ♠
The Italian Translates As Follows - "Death Shall Not Claim You Today Young One" and "Return from the creator, return to us."

Yea, I really think this is a bad chapter, but tell me how I can fix it please :/