War of the Angels

Sealed In Blood

Corey quickly jumped on Crystal's back, Angeline on Coluyer's. The two flying in unison together to he source of the sound.

"What's going on?" Corey attempted to ask Crystal

Crystal didn't answer, when Corey attempted to poke her to cajole her into a response she simply grunted, her once golden eyes were now a deep blue, the color of oceans. Corey soon realized what was happening, to Corey's disdain, she was preparing to fight. Soon the group arrived to a horrifying sight. Thousands of angels and demons fighting, a thousand scattered bodies of both factions.

"H-Holy shit." Crystal said tears forming in her eyes, "What happened here? Wh-wh..." Her voice trailing off into a whisper 'Why us?"

Corey quickly ran to Crystal and put his arms around her, trying to comfort her.

"It's all right, it's all right" He said "They will all pay for this." He suddenly added

Upon these words Coluyer nodded, throwing Corey a pistol, a glowing knife, and 5 clips full of ammo. Corey, in his amazement looked at the glowing knife.

"Why is this thing glowing?" He inquired

"It's special." Coluyer replied

"Nice reply asshole" Corey whispered under his breath as he loaded his gun.

Soon the 4 ran into the fray of war, Corey shooting bullets like a madman, when suddenly a glowing figure appeared in front of him, Crystal blocked Corey's way.

"Hell No!" She screamed "I'm not letting you go into that bloodbath! Not after what happened with you father."

"What happened with my father?! WHY WON'T ANYONE TELL EM THE FUCKING TRUTH DAMNIT?" Corey screamed "Why am i fucking here? I should be at school! I'm not some demon hunter! I'm just a 15 year old kid!"

Crystal just started at him, trying to collect her thoughts, suddenly she just moved aside.

"Fine," She sighed "If you want the truth go fight, I wont stop you." Crystal said, drawing her blade from her side.

"It's been awhile since i've had to do this," Crystal said aligning herself with the first demon she saw.

The second these words escaped her lips she attacked, 40 demons falling in succession. Corey lined up his shot, aimed fired, the bullets escaped a wisp of smoke following the metallic destroyer, as a demon fell. Soon the two had become quite the duo, no demon escaped their grasp. As the two prepared for their final shot, something amazing happened. Corey and Crystal lined up, both glowing, as they lined up their attacks the demon began to scream, light slowly tearing it apart from its inside. Corey just stood there in shock, in which Crystal began to speak.

"There, thats your proof Corey. Only 2 demon hunters could do that, your father and you." She remarked, her soft words piercing Corey like a knife.

"Why, Why hasn't anyone told me?" He asked, " Why did my mom, my family keep this from me?"

"To keep you safe." A voice came from the battlefield, it was Angeline covered in blood. " I didn't want you to be like your father, always gone, never letting us know when he'll be back."

"Dad? What has dad done?" Corey asked

"He sealed away the great demon, he sealed away Lucifer, but...he hasn't reappeared since, we don't know what happened to your father." Angeline quietly remarked

Upon these words a red light covered the sky, a pentogram, covered the sky. A brilliant light absorbed the battle field and a pale human stepped out, his body covered in red lines, his teeth carved into sharp fangs.

"Did someone say my name?" The entity remarked

"No..." Angeline said "No...it's not possible. HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD?!"

"It seems the seal has broken, the blood has weakened. I, Lucifer am free again." Said Lucifer "And now I'm afraid, it's time for all of you to die."
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Well this isn't very good, but the story is actually starting to develop much more now ;D