War of the Angels


Upon these words, Lucifer drew a crimson blade out of thin air, and lunged for Corey a glee filled smile upon his face as Corey drew out his pistol, a futile attempt to combat Lucifer's hellish blade.

"Oh, you think its possible to survive young boy?" Lucifer chuckled to himself "I'm sorry to say kid," his eyes turning into slits "I've been trapped for so long, your father, that fucking idiot thought he could keep me sealed forever, well he can't. I want revenge, I want him dead, I want his family dead."

Corey was shaking as he fired off two shots, both hitting Lucifer point blank in the head, but to no avail did Lucifer stop in his relentless attack. Corey was defenseless, when all of a sudden Corey remembered the knife Coluyer had given him. As he drew the knife, Lucifer let out a cry of horror.

"N-no...." He weakly remarked "The blade...how did....you?"

Lucifer quickly eye'd Coluyer, screaming out "YOU! Of course, you it was all you just like last time."

Corey didn't know what to make of this all he knew was he had to kill Lucifer as quickly as possible. He quickly lunged at Lucifer, but was quickly repelled by an unknown blast.

"Ah.." Lucifer sighed in relief "It seems you are not experienced with the blade, seems you came here asking to die."

Lucifer quickly picked Corey up by the neck, "Così questo è il Loveon leggendario?" He remarked "Pity, he seems to have had so much potential, so much young life left in him."

Lucifer tightened his grip "Too bad, thats all about to change." He laughed through the words

Coluyer suddenly rushed forward, jamming his knife into Lucifer, who uttered a shriek of pain as he let go of Corey, who was now unconscious.

"H-How you fucking angel, how did you hurt me?" Lucifer cried out

"Seems the blood hasn't worn off completely now has it Lucifer?" Coluyer remarked striking Lucifer again.

Lucifer quickly generated another sword out of thin air, and uttered out a cry as he curried forth, meeting Coluyer's blade. Lucifer then quickly hit Coluyer with a powerful strike to his lower hip, causing him to lower his blade, giving Lucifer another chance to strike.

"Not so powerful now are we angel?" Coluyer howled joyfully

Lucifer quickly connected another blow with his blade upon Coluyer, who was on his knees from the pain.

"GO! RUN! TAKE COREY! Just run! Don't worry about me!" Coluyer suddenly screamed out

Lucifer howled out a laugh as high-pitched as a hyena "Yes, Human run run pathetic human."

Crystal quickly initialized her wings, threw Corey on her back and Angeline grabbed onto her back, sandwiching Corey between the two. Before Crystal took off though, she threw Coluyer a small bottle.

"Drink it! It's the tears of the sage, defeat the beast once and for all!" Crystal screamed out as she ascended into the sky.

Coluyer weakly picked up the bottle, downing its contents. He quickly jumped back up, revitalized.

"En Garde" Coluyer said

"So eager to die are we?" Lucifer mockingly replied "I'll fulfill your death wish then" He said as he drew his blades again.

Coluyer's wings quickly emerged, but different this time they were both jet black as his blade was drawn. Coluyer lunged at Lucifer who quickly returned with a parry and a cut on Coluyer's arm.

"Death follows my blade," Lucifer puffed out between strikes "It is eager to claim your soul for it's own, angel."

Lucifer quickly hit Coluyer again, this time he placed 5 clean strikes in his chest. Coluyer, was quickly running out of options so he placed his blade on the ground, his wings turning a vibrant gold, and curled himself into a ball.

"What is this mockery?" Lucifer cried out

"Ti-ti-time....to end this..." Coluyer weakly spat out

A golden light began to consume the battlefield, Coluyer in the middle of it.

"AHHH What is this?! My skin, my insides, they feel like....they are on fire" Lucifer screamed out his two blades taking form again.

He quickly lunged worth stabbing Coluyer, to no avail.

"Die! Why won't you die?!" Lucifer screamed out as the light consumed him.

Then in an instant silence. As the light subsided, Coluyer lie on the ground, his body sprawled out in a pile. Lucifer was nowhere to be found.

"It's finally over..." Coluyer weakly panted out

But before these words could be completed, a large black figure emerged from the sky, scale-like wings on its back

"Do you like it angel? Your final defense is mine now." The figure screamed out

Coluyer, to his horror, saw the figure was Coluyer, scale like red wings now emerged from his back.

"I told you. Death follows my blade" Lucifer said as he drew out one blade, "Now I'm afraid your time has come."

Lucifer quickly jammed his pulsating red blade into Coluyer, straight through his heart. Coluyer uttered a cry out as his soul was transferred into Lucifer's blade, it's red color now a deep crimson. Coluyer now lay before Lucifer, his limp, lifeless body a pale white.

"Death has finally found you angel, Può la vostra anima per sempre decomporrsi nel mio settore" Lucifer glee-fully remarked. "Now time to finish off the Loveon."

Lucifer quickly sprouted his wings and set a course straight for Crystal, Angeline, and Corey.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Italian Translates ~ "So this is the fabled Loveon?" and "May your soul forever rot in my domain"

I hope you like the chapter, please tell me what I can do to make it better anything is welcome :]