War of the Angels


Corey lie unconscious on Crystal's back, about to arrive at his home, when suddenly a sudden shock went through his body, as if a part of him had died. He began to shake uncontrollably on Crystal's back, who stopped in fear of Corey's safety.

"COREY!" Crystal shouted "Stop it! What's wrong with you?!"

"I--I don't know..." Corey sheepishly admitted "I just felt like something really bad has happened, like...like a part of me is dead."

Angeline decided to interject into the conversation, "Corey, it's nothing," She said putting her hand on Corey's head, "You just had a really long day hun, try and sleep."

"NO!" Corey screamed "You bitch! Stop telling me what to do, you wanted me dead, what makes you think I trust you?"

For a moment Angeline was speechless, "I...I...I never wanted you dead, I needed to put you in dang- the perception of being in danger. I needed to see what your power was.." She replied, her eyes watering up.

"I don't care." Corey said defiantly, "No mom, in their right mind would even think about doing that, I despise you."

Angeline couldn't take it anymore, "Corey, I love you. I raised you, I would never let anyone hurt you."

Corey just remained silent, jumping back on Crystal's back, "Mom, go home, please." Corey ordered.

"Bu-but I..." Angeline stammered

"Prove it to me, prove you love me" Corey replied "If you really do, then you'll listen to me this one time."

"Fine," Angeline replied, with much pain "Goodbye Corey, please come back safely...I can't stand a world without you."

Corey said nothing, he just jumped on Crystal's back as she ascended into the sky, soon Corey couldn't see Angeline anymore, the clouds had blocked his view of the ground below."

"What now?" Corey asked

"I'm taking you to the lower plane" Crystal replied "You need to see the guard master, he's been dying to meet you"

Crystal said no more words, she continued to fly for what seemed like hours, Corey soon began to doze off on her back. A gentle smile soon formed on her lips as she giggled. Just not loudly enough to wake up Corey. Hours later, Crystal awoke Corey, with a gentle nudge.

"Wake Up! Wake Up! Were here Corey, have your blade at ready." Crystal lightly said

Corey woke up, at first he thought it was a hallucination, that all of the previous day's events have been a nightmare, but to his dismay he woke up, Crystal's eyes staring directly into Corey's.

"Good morning sleepy head" Crystal giggled, her immaturity painfully obvious, "It's time to go come on! First one to the top is a Shnoogerlurcher!"

Corey had no time to try and understand what a "Shnoogerlurcher" was when Crystal already started running up the hill. Corey quickly began running up the hill, but he was already hopelessly behind Crystal, when a miracle happened. Crystal suddenly started running slowly, it seemed that Corey was in fast motion, he quickly sprinted past Crystal. When suddenly she started running again, but was in shock that Corey was in the lead.

"How the...?" Crystal exclaimed, "How did you get in front of me?"

Corey didn't answer though as he continued to run up the hill, finally reaching the top.

"HAH" Corey screamed, "I beat you! I beat you, now what is a Shnoogerlurcher?"

"Uhm Corey," Crystal giggled "Do you know what a Shnoogerlurcher is?"

"....No" He replied

"Hahahaa" She was literally dying of laughter, "A Shnoogerlurcher, is what you humans call a Sloth."

"Then, why do you call it such an unnecessarily long name?" Corey asked

"Because," Crystal said in a stern voice, "WE CAN!" She screamed, nearly crying of laughter

The two then continued to climb up the hill, until they reached a giant building.

"Open up!" Crystal screamed, "Come On! It's Crystal!"

The door slowly creaked open, revealing a majestic home inside. Crystal walked in, but when Corey attempted to walk in a large angel appeared out of nowhere,

"I'm sorry sir, all meatbags, shall be killed on site." The angel said, no feeling was evident in his voice, "I'm afraid we must kill you, and throw you in the cellar with the rest of the trespassers."
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Hooray for Suicide Silence references! :D

I'm so sorry it took so long to update, I have had a ton of stuff on my mind :/

Tell me what you think ;]