War of the Angels


"Wh-what" Corey said, in shock

"I'm afraid you must die. Human scum is not allowed on these holy grounds." The large angel said in a stern voice.

Almost at once, the angel drew a pistol, aimed it straight at Corey's head, a smile forming on it's lips. He put his finger on the trigger. Aimed, and fired.

Corey saw his life flash before his eyes, his eyes closed shut. Seconds past, Corey quickly opened up one of his eyes, and saw the large angel laughing hysterically, Crystal at his side.

"HAHA," Crystal laughed "Got you!"

She quickly hugged the large angel, and the words she said next put Corey in a daze.

"I love you daddy," She said to the large angel "Tu sei il papĂ  migliore di sempre!"

"I love you too," the large angel replied, turning to Corey he said "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I really haven't had a good prank in a while."

Corey began to turn a deep hue of red, "I-it's ok" Corey nervously said "I-I'm Corey...Corey Loveon, nice to meet you."

"Ah so you're the great Loveon?" The angel laughed "Not as tall as you're father I see, you have his face though, I'm Leon, nice to finally meet you."

Corey quickly extended his hand, reaching out to shake Leon's hand, but instead he received a large hug.

"So," Leon said, "Let's go, I believe your father has left you some of his possessions."

The three walked into the mansion, Corey was looking around in awe at the amazing sights. Crystal started to giggle, when suddenly her father turned around grim-faced, tears streaming down his face.

"Cry-Crystal...I just received some news..." He said, "Coluyer...they...they found his body at Sanctuary, he was hung up by the neck." He continued on,"But...Corey there something you should know, There was a note etched in Coluyer's chest. It said "Ti sono accanto Loveon" I need you to be careful, Lucifer can come at anytime, we must begin your training now."

Leon ran quickly to a large door, beckoning for Corey too follow him in. Corey stepped into a large metal room, with weapons lined up all along the walls.

"Corey," Leon said handing him a bag "Go put these on, Crystal will show you to your room." He said beckoning at Crystal.

"Follow me Corey." Crystal said in an annoyed voice "Maybe I can show you my room sometime." She said giggling.

Crystal took Corey up an incredible staircase made up of gems and platinum, she took him to a large room, when they entered Corey had his breath taken away. The room was large, with Slipknot posters lined up at one wall, a large glass mirror was in one corner, and a shower with a decadence of flowers making up most of the walls.

"Crystal...I..." Corey tried to find the words for his emotions at the moment, "I don't know what to say, its..its...magnificent.

"Why thank you Corey," Crystal quickly replied, "I set this room up all by myself." She said a smile forming on her face.

After that Crystal left Corey alone so he could rest for a few hours. Corey woke up a few hours later, the brilliant nighttime sky was filled with tiny stars, and he swore he saw a planet rotating in the nighttime sky.

"Well well," said a voice from nowhere, "Look who decided to wake up."

Corey looked up, clutching a pistol that he had hidden in his pockets, "Wh-Who's there?" He cried out

"Oh put the gun away, I'm not going to hurt you," Said the figure, "I'm Jennifer, Crystal's mother, I came here to see the famous Loveon."

"Yo-you're Crystal's mom?" Corey said "Y-You look nothing like her!"

It was true though his words, Crystal's eyes changed colors, while her mother's eyes were a monotonous black, Crystal's black hair seemed to capture Corey's eyes every time he saw it, yet her mother's hair was a brilliant blonde.

"I know that." Jennifer replied, " No angel looks alike."

She soon left the room, as if to tell Corey to put on his clothes and hurry downstairs. He opened the bag and the first thing he saw was a strange jumpsuit, imprinted on it was "Corey Loveon," and when he put it on, it seemed to conform to every part of his body. He then pulled out a broken piece of a sword.

"Wh-what the hell is this thing?" Corey thought, "Maybe... just maybe...."

He pulled out the blade that Coluyer had given him, when suddenly the two blades began to glow. They rose in the air, and began to fuse together. The blade suddenly became a large magnificent blade, which Corey put in his pocket. One more item was in the bag, Corey pulled it out. It was a note in his father's handwriting, and it wrote.

"My dear Corey,
If you are reading this letter, it means I have most likely perished in the battle against Lucifer. I entrusted this bag to Leon, I want you to make sure to trust him, and please keep Crystal safe, she's a very special girl. You'll see what I mean very soon. I want you to know, I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you ever. It's because I love you, I want to keep you safe, I just wanted you to know that. You are my greatest joy in this world.

With Love,
Chris Loveon"

Corey, tears streaming down his face, continued reading the letter over and over again. His father cared for him. He always cared, he always cared....

"COREY!!!!" A voice screamed from below "Hurry down here sleepyhead! My father needs to see you!"

Corey sighed, as he put the letter in the pouch of his new suit, he quickly ran downstairs. Leon was standing there, Jennifer and Crystal at his side.

"Corey, lets begin." He said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Italian translates to "You're the best dad ever" and "You are next Loveon"

This wasn't action packed for a reason, I promise the next chapter won't be so boring :P

As always, comment on what I can do better, or what you want me to do more of thank you :]