I Just Want You

A long night.

Waiting for the show to start wasn’t too bad, or not as bad as I was expecting. The guys just fooled around, Dylan and I watched them happily. Or I was happy until I tried to talk to Tom.

For some reason Tom was only giving me one word answers, trying to avoid me, and he wouldn’t look at me. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong for the life of me. I didn’t think I had said or done anything to offend him. We weren’t fighting.

He continued to ignore my existence though the whole show. Dee and I were on the side of the stage, and Tom was sitting at the merch table. I tried texting him the entire time. But he didn’t reply once. I couldn’t understand what I had done to make him mad at me. I was beginning to worry; I couldn’t even pay attention to the show. I just started at my phone, hopping it would vibrate.

I didn’t really come back to reality until Mattie engulfed me in one of his amazing hugs. I protested and squirmed in his arms, he was all sweaty and gross. He just laughed and kissed me. it was short and sweet, leaving me wanting more. But almost immediately after his lips left mine, and the guys started teasing us, I thought of Tom.

I looked back at the merch table. Tom was angrily pulling on his hoodie. He said something to one of the guys sitting with him, and then looked over at us. His eyes bore into mine for what felt like an hour, but was really a few seconds. He looked hurt and angry. I felt like I should have run after him as he left, but Mattie had me securely wrapped up in his arms. It felt almost wrong to be there in Mattie’s arms, and not out with Tom.

“Is everything alright, love?” Mattie snuggled his face into the crook of my neck. Making butterfly’s erupt in my stomach.

“I think Tom is mad at me, but I don’t know why,” I looked at Matt, “do you?”

He shook his head, “I don’t think he’s mad at you… he probably just has a lot on his mind, give em’ some time, yeah?”

I nodded my head, “I guess…”

I wasn’t convinced that Tom just had a lot on his mind. But I decided to try and he happy and more involved in the conversation everyone was having, as to not bring down the happy mood. I didn’t want to be the Debbie Downer.

Some of the guys changed their shirts, and others went to mingle with the fans. I decided I wanted to be helpful, so I went to the merch tables and helped out there. Mattie came with me, most people asked him to sign things, and talked to him about how amazing the show was, others ignored him and bought things.

It was certainly busy. And it kept my mind off of Tom. I found out the rodie who was working with me was named Johnny. He was pretty funny and nice. Not to mention completely hot. He had a nice body, some tattoos, gouged ears, blue eyes that rivalled Toms, and messy -short-ish- dirty blond hair. Johnny seemed to know exactly what to say to make the girls blush. He was quite the charmer. I could tell that we were going to be friends. He reminded me of my friends back home.

The time passed quickly working with Johnny. When he wasn’t talking to people buying things, he was telling me random stories of times he was drunk. Mattie had left after a little while to help break down the set. I was thankful when the last kids had left, and Johnny and I had all the merch put away.

“And that’s how I ended up fucking t-rex titties,” Johnny concluded his story as we loaded the last box into his van, “my girlfriend at the time found out, and dumped me… which sucked because she cleaned my house and baked me things all the time.”

I laughed, “maybe you shouldn’t have cheated on her with a haggard girl, whose boobs were so big she couldn’t put her arms down properly.”

“Hay,” he put up his hands, “I was drunk.”

“As if that makes it okay,” I teased.

He climbed into the drivers seat of the van, “I like to think so. Thanks for helping by the way.”

“No problem… it’s what I’m here for,” I waved good-bye and started to walk to my bus.

I was kinda tired and looking forward to snuggling into my bunk with a book. My thought slowly started to go back to Tom. I was still hoping he would text me. It was almost as if I needed him to text me. I’d never really felt that way before.

My phone started to vibrate in my back pocket as I walked in the bus. I was slightly startled, but more then happy. I quickly grabbed it and read the text. It was from Alex asking what Oli and Dee where like together.

I was kinda letdown, and very confused about why Alex wanted to know that. I texted back saying that they were very cute and happy. I then went through the usually bedtime routine. Brushed my teeth and changed into an over sized t-shirt and clean panties, nothing special.

I laid down in my bunk and snuggled into the sheets. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to wash over me. But there was too much on my mind. After twenty minutes of just laying there I gave up. Not only was I worrying about Tom, but now I was curious about Alex’s question. Why did Alex want to know about Oli and Dee? I knew I didn’t even have a chance at sleeping until I got some answers.

I picked up my phone and texted Dylan asking her why Alex had asked about her and Oli. I wasn’t sure where she was, or if she were still awake, so I figured it’d be best to go with texting her.

I pulled out my sketchbook and a pencil. I didn’t really feel like working on anything in particular, so I just started to doodle. This was potentially going to be a very long night.
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Thanks to everyone who’s read and commented ^-^