Bite to Break Skin

A series of grotesque murders occur in Emily House's neighborhood, which begin to grow on her and her imagination. It doesn't help that she lives alone and that she's been preyed on before.
As her friends try to help get her mind off things, they take her out for a night on the town, not knowing how much it would affect Emily's life.

During the next few months Emily's life takes a turn for the worst.

Terrified of serial killer and sleep.
Will she fall to piece?



Is it real or just my imagination?
-Pictures were used from Solid&Etc.
  1. Chapter One
    "Forgetting all the hurt inside, you've learnt to hide so well.'
  2. Chapter Two
    "There's nothing wrong with me!"
  3. Chapter Three
    "I'm drowning in the pain."
  4. Chapter Four
    "I know you have suffered, but I don't want you to hide."
  5. Chapter Five
    "Must we do as we're told?"
  6. Chapter Six
    "Freedom feels like the noose is gone."
  7. Chapter Seven
    "I want a new day and age."
  8. Chapter Eight
    "Inside I realize that I'm the one confused."