Sequel: Sweet Naivety

You're a Cute Type of Ignorant


Tully and I sat in an awkward silence. He looked just as clueless as I felt.Why was I turning invisible from sunlight...and what the hell is that alluring smell? I sniffed the air and realized it came from Tully.

"Dude, what did you have to eat for breakfast? "I asked, sniffing him "It smells fucking amazing."

"Uh.. thanks." Tully said, backing away. "But I haven't eaten yet. Uh, Lyle?"

"Mhm?" I asked\,with my face smooshed into his body sniffing him.

"Some personal space?"

"Oh," I backed away an inch. "You just smell good...I'm so hungry...."

The next thing I knew Tully had me pinned down on the floor and my head was aching. He was heaving.. Was he struggling? Against me?

"Dude, seriously have you been cutting down on the workouts? You're having trouble holding me down. Let me up."

Tully released me cautiously. "Why the hell did you do that man?" I asked.

He just looked at me in utter astonishment. "Man, you just tried to fucking eat me or something. You were going for a bite and you were really fast. I was just about to ask you if you started working out.." Tully stopped- stunned. "Oh my god- your eyes!"

Don't tell me their invisible too!

I looked into the mirror and saw my eyes. The pupils were swirling and they were a deep purple.


"Let's be open minded,"Tully said, walking towards me. I had moved to the bed with my head in my hands.

"Vampire," We said in unison.

"I'm a ...vampire."

I guess they are real. Since I am one.Tully came over and sat down and patted my back tentatively. I was crying.

"Goodbye to Amber, fuck!" I sobbed, and screamed the last word.