Sequel: Sweet Naivety

You're a Cute Type of Ignorant


I didn't know what I was doing. Sending Amber that letter and necklace was the stupidest thing I could have done, I need to learn some self control. It was bad enough I watched her every night, even worse I let myself touch her cheek that one time. But now, letting her know I still care? Damn it! I kicked the wall. I punched the wall. It was killing me staying away from her. It would be better for her in the end though. I wish I could have kept my promise...

"Hey, Lyle, you okay?" Tully came down the steps. "I heard some noises."

"I battled the wall out of my stupidity." I growled. Ever since becoming a vampire, my voice has become deeper. I didn't know if puberty was catching up with me or if it was the vampire in my blood.

"Can you battle the wall more quietly? My mom already thinks there are rats down here."

I was staying in Tully's cellar. My foster parents probably thought I ran away, and since I was invisible, nobody at school has taken notice so far, besides a few teachers.

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry man." Tully came over and sat beside me.

"What's wrong?"

"I sent Amber a card and gift."

Tully sighed and shook his head. "Man, you've got to be kidding. She's already a wreck."

I looked at him evilly.

"Dude, would you stop that? You're eyes are swirling purple again, are you hungry? I don't like when you look at me like that, I don't know if I can take you anymore."

He was referring to my strength. One good thing about being a vampire, it makes you ripped without doing anything. I had a nice set of arms and a six pack, something I could have never achieved in my normal body.

"I'm sorry. Yeah I am. I'm going out to eat tonight."

It was quiet for a few minutes. "Lyle, You're a wreck too. You never go out unless you're hungry or want to see Amber sleep. You're not yourself."

"I'm a monster, Tully. I'm supposed to be miserable."

"No, you aren't. You're a good person. I don't know why this had to happen to you, but I miss the old Lyle. The one who always knew how to cheer anyone up. The one who cared for people more then himself. Damn it, I even miss your snake bites!"

I smiled. "Got you to smile! Yes!" He jumped up.

I took out my snakebites because the fangs and snake bites are just too much for one mouth to handle.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to do with myself anymore though. If I go out to hang with you during the day I'll be noticed and taken into a lab. Who the hell is comfortable seeing clothes running around by themselves ?"

"Not if you don't wear clothes," Tully joked.

I have a habit for taking things seriously.
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updates are going to be all the time now please leave comments, thanks so much if you do!

(A/N hey guys I've been writing the rest of this story all day, i think my writing has changed a lot, it's not as silly and i hope you don't mind. I'm pretty happy with where the story is going and the more - dare i say- serious tone of writing I'm using -so stay tuned! )