Sequel: Sweet Naivety

You're a Cute Type of Ignorant

Secrets Revealed

Pulling up to Ambers house was like the twilight zone. Everything was so, familiar but not. Amber was at the porch, waiting for them. She looked like a mess. I remembered the day she woke up at my house hung over and she was such a beautiful disgrace, but this, this was different. The life had left her eyes. She looked like a zombie, when she smiled at Anna and Tully it was so forced. She'd lost the will to live almost it seemed.

Her mother watched from the window, looking down at her daughter. She seemed so worried about her, her eyes trailing after her with sadness.

As she walked closer my heart sped up. I thought I was having a heart attack. Yeah, I did watch her a lot at night... but her eyes were always closed. I didn't have to see the blackness in them, the lost hope.

My heart broke right then and there.

"Hi guys"she said getting into the backseat of the car. I had moved as far from her as humanly possible. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. They said they're hello's and they were off, driving down the parkway.

"So, how are you?" Anna asked her.

"I've been good, you?" Amber answered. She looked around the car looking incredibly uncomfortable. She was looking for something. Her eyes passed over me 6 times, I counted. My eyes didn't leave her once the whole ride, the whole boring, awkward conversation. She was wearing the necklace I gave her. Her fingers twiddled with it, she held it tight when she let out forced laughs. I smelled her, the coconut I knew so well. Her own aroma behind it. And now, a new smell. Her blood.

After she had given up looking she looked at Tully strangely.

"Tully?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah?" he was freaking out the whole ride I had just noticed. Beads of sweat dropped down his face.

"Thank you for all that you've done for me."

He looked at her, walking across the parking lot to the park they were going to hang out at. He took her shoulder and squeezed it uncomfortably, but in a caring way. "Lyle made me promise to take care of you. I would have anyway, but now it's more important," he whispered.

Anger boiled through my veins, my brain. She was supposed to forget me and how is she supposed to do that when my best friend is conversing about me with her?! I wanted to take the short strides towards them and punch him in the face, but I would blow my cover. I had to walk a certain measure behind, just in case one of their shadows got on me.

She closed her eyes and touched her necklace . They were under a shaded tree now, probably Tully's idea knowing I couldn't go there.

"Why did he go? He doesn't care about me anymore," she whispered. Anna sat up straight instead of curling in Tully's arms, for Ambers sake I suppose.

"He didn't have a choice. He thinks it is better for you that you forget him."

A tear went down her face "I can't. It would kill me."
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Don't you love how I'm updating every three seconds. I'm so close to just posting the whole damn story! haha. comments are appreciated. The story is going to get intense, I like it. I hope you do too!