Sequel: Sweet Naivety

You're a Cute Type of Ignorant

Back to Old Times

I looked in a mirror before I left. My hair was a lot longer, crazier. It was almost shoulder length and wouldn't stay in one spot. I put my snake bites in, then took them out. I was going for familiar, and it just seemed more monster-like. I wore the shirt she bought me, red with a design on the sleeves. My new muscles poked out from it, I hoped she liked that. My skinny jeans,studded belt. See baby? Even though I'm a monster I can still look human.

This was going to be interesting.

I ran there, not caring about my hair. It wasn't going to look any better. I got there quickly, my new running abilities were amazing. Now instead of falling over myself I ran at the speed of lighting it seemed.

Looking up at her house, I got huge goosebumps. I was nervous. "I need to do this," I ordered myself. I had self control. I wouldn't hurt her. It's better that I waited this long to see her, right? I almost ate Tully a couple of times, imagine Amber? She wasn't strong enough to put up with me.

By the time I was done rambling in my head, I was at her balcony. I walked in slowly, closing the window behind me. I had only done this a couple of times, I usually watched her from her neighbors roof. I walked towards her and she stirred. Her eyelids blinked and she mumbled something uncomprehendable. I fell in love with her all over again. She grasped my necklace while she slept, her knuckles going white, even in her sleep. I pulled up a chair and just watched her sleep for a little while. I was nervous about this, I had to work up the guts. I looked on her bedside table and found the 2 sentences I sent her. It was folded and unfolded so many times it had aged marks. I only sent it to her not even 48 hours ago, but I guess some of that was from me. I kept on checking to see what I wrote was good enough, if it got the point across. Of course I wasn't satisfied. It was five words for heavens sake.

I didn't have time to work up my nerve all the way. She did it for me.

"Lyle...?" she said, her voice cracking from just waking up. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Uhh..." I croaked.

I thought I was past this whole "embarrassing first impressions" thing with her.
♠ ♠ ♠
muhahahahhahahha = )

I left it there to torture you all! =)
so comment if you haven't =)
If you have been, I love ya!