Sequel: Sweet Naivety

You're a Cute Type of Ignorant


After putting her in her bed I left a note explaining I would be back tomorrow night.

I could understand why she didn't believe me, it took me a while to convince myself. It was so frustrating though, how she was laughing at it. That was the reason we couldn't be together, and she was laughing? It was hurtful!

"So how did it go?" Tully asked the next morning, Sunday. This was the longest weekend of my life. I explained it to him, in full details. He nodded and laughed at the appropriate parts ( Amber trying to kill me.)

"So how do you plan on being with her? It's gonna be hard."

"What?" I was confused.

"Being in a relationship like that is hard."

"Tully, I'm not going to be with her anymore. I needed to let her know why I left. I needed to let her know I care and always will. I still need to let her know that I will never move on from her, but I want her to move on from me. She passed out before I got to say the last part. It's bad enough I have to go see her again, it's like fate is teasing me, letting me talk to her again."

Tully's face got bright red, and he was pissed. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"No, are you kidding me? What, do you expect me to marry her?!"

"I don't know! But you can't just let her know you still care and leave again! That's like a contradiction."

"She can't be with a vampire, Tully. End of discussion."

"You are an ASSHOLE! We are still best friends even though you're not human. It won't matter to her! She will always want you!"

"There is better out there for her! And thank you so much, Tully, I love you like a brother man, but I'm not staying here either. I've been postponing it, but I'm leaving.I don't want to be a problem to you anymore!"

"Who the hell are you?! Where is my best friend? What happened to 'best friends forever'?"

"Tully," I said, lowering my voice. "You are the best friend a guy can ask for. Anybody can ask for. You will be my best friend forever, since I guess I'm living forever. But it's not right, my world colliding with yours. I'm sorry but one day you'll see this is better."

"Fine man! Whatever!" he said, his voice cracking, trying not to cry "You think whatever you want. I don't even know you anymore! The old Lyle would know the people who care about him the most would never see him as a problem," he charged out of the room.

"I'm not the old Lyle..." I whispered.

That was the most upset I have ever seen him. I did it