Sequel: Sweet Naivety

You're a Cute Type of Ignorant

We Know.

The next day at school Anna was holding back not crying. It made me happy to know she cared so much about me. She hugged me without saying a word, which was odd for her. When I first met her she was quiet but now I usually find myself praying for her to shut up. Tully had his hand bandaged.

"Oh, Tully I'm sorry. You didn't have to do that for me."

"Don't worry about it. I wish I did worse, but this guys head is like a rock. He did more damage to me then I did to him."

I would have laughed if the situation was different. I walked by a group of my old "friends" to hear them talking about Kurt.

"What happened to him?"
"I heard he got ran over by a car"
"No, He fell down a flight of stairs."
"Have you seen him? His whole face is ruined."
"No girls are going to want him after this... He looks disgusting and the doctors say he will never fully recover."

"Tully, what did you do? You're going to get in trouble!" I asked, horrified.

"I didn't do anything! I hardly gave him a black eye, also it happened late last night I heard. I didn't go hunting for him."

"Hey, Amber," a high voice said. I turned around to see my ex best friend, Becca, smirking at me. "I thought your boyfriend moved."


"Your boyfriend, the weird kid who hasn't been in school the last two semesters? Kurt told me he's jacked now and beat the shit out of him."

I shuddered. "Wh-what?"

"So, you're boyfriend finally flipped and took your slutty actions out on your poor ex boyfriend. It's called Anger management." She walked away, her long black hair swaying.

"Come on, Amber," Anna pulled me outside.

"Schools almost over, we won't have to deal with them all summer. Just two more months," she says.

"No, it's fine. I don't care." I was hung up on what she said about Lyle. He's nearby?

"What was that she said about Lyle?" she asked, reading my thoughts. "I wonder where he went sometimes you know? Oh sorry! I know you don't like to talk about him!"

"Anna, it's okay. Listen can you get Tully to come here for me? I need to speak to him, in private."

"Oh, okay," she said, obviously jealous and pulling out her cell phone.
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dun dun dun!