Sequel: Sweet Naivety

You're a Cute Type of Ignorant


That night, going to bed. I knew he was coming. I stayed up, waiting.He opened my balcony window around 1:30.

"Has it been long enough Lyle?" I asked him.

He came in the door, his hair at his shoulders, even more pale that I thought could be possible. He looked clean but he had a sense about him, an uncivilized sense. His eyes danced with fury towards me.

"Why don't you get it?" he asked. I wish I had taken a softer tone, his eyes were red from crying. "It's not right!"

"Love is right. I don't care if you're a fucking alien, Lyle! Love is All That Matters!"

"In fantasy, but we're in reality."

"I'm talking to a vampire and you're talking to me about reality?"

"I could kill you."

"I could kill you too! I'm capable of using a knife, a gun. But I trust you enough to know that you won't."

"Calm down."

"What? I'm talking very level headed."

"You're pulse is racing."

"See? You just proved it. You care more about my well being then eating me!"

"What is it going to take for you to understa-"

"No, Lyle. I understand everything. What's it going to take you to understand that life isn't fair. We were put into this situation because we can handle it. Life never hands you anything you can't handle, it's just a choice if you want to or not."

He was quiet, thinking. " You can live without me."

"Yeah, I'm breathing. I'm eating. I'm drinking. There's more to living than that."

"This is going to be hard."

"I'm up for anything if it's about you," I smiled. He smiled back.

I walked over to him and kissed him, hard and hungry. He let his dangerous side take over, but in a cautious way. My hands tangled through his long hair and he rubbed his hands across my whole body. It felt so familiar, like nothing had changed. Except for those two fangs, right in between our lips.