Sequel: Sweet Naivety

You're a Cute Type of Ignorant

You're Have More Morals!


Even though my heart wasn't beating, it was whole again. Those long months without the people I loved the most made me realize the importance of life. I still had a lot to learn, but i had-- literally-- all the time in the world to learn it.

Me and Tully were in his room playing video games. I decided to go out in the open more often but I was extremely careful about it. I told Tully that his parents could not see me, but I would stay in his cellar. He said he felt like he was missing a part of his house since I wasn't there. For such a big guy, he sure is a softy.

Anna and Amber were coming over. Anna knew I was here and she was pissed, because she didn't know anything. We were going to tell her and hope that she would understand why I left. I missed my Anna Banana and Amber told me she hated me. I just hoped I could calm myself down when she laughed though. They came in and Amber walked right over to me sitting on my lap. I could actually hold her now, I have no idea why she went with a guy like me, well, the old me. I was so scrawny and embarassed myself constantly. A natural walking disaster. But she still loved me. Which makes me love her more. She planted a wet kiss right on my cheek.

Anna stood there looking uncomfortable and angry.

"Annaaaa Ban-annnaaaaa," I sang.

"Don't play cute with me. Amber has forgiven you but me, I'm not so easy."

"Well, of course you aren't easy Anna Banana, you have more morals then that," I joked.

"You know what I mean. I want to know why you left."

"Well, I really didn't leave."


"If you had to think of a monster to name me as, right now, what would you name me?"

"Still the same old Lyle, get back on track you random fuck."

"Just answer the question."


Tully, Amber and I all made the beep noise which meant wrong on game shows.

"That's insulting!" I laughed. " I actually thought I looked pretty good lately. Thanks for bruising my ego!"

"No problem," she smirked. I was getting to her.

"Now, Anna Banana, before I tell you, do you promise not to tell?"

"Sure, just tell me."

"Wait, do you hate me?"


"Then you're not finding out."

"Fine, I don't hate you."

"Prove it!"


"Get down on your knees and lick between my toes!" I cried out. She made a gagging noise and freaked out.

"Ok, Just give me a hug!"

"Fine," she said and gave me the smallest hug in the history of the world.

"Well that'll do. I'll just come right out with it then. I'm a vampire."

She sat there annoyed. "You expect me to believe that?"


"So, then tell me the truth."

"That is the truth. Get the bible and I will recite that court thing."

"Hey Lyle," Tully asked "What happens when you see a cross?"

"I feel a bitter distaste and hate, nothing out of the usual."

That made Amber and Tully go into hysterics but Anna got offended. I explained to her I was just kidding around, I believe in God, it was just a joke and apologized. (a/n- as i would do to you people who may get offended)

"Why are you all backing him?" she asked, frustrated.

"Because it's true, " they answered in unison.

"I'm just getting pissy now."

"Yeah, we noticed," I answered smiling. "Listen, I know it's like the most bizzare thing ever but I need you to trust me. And also, when you do believe trust that I won't hurt you. That's why I left for so long."

"Oh really? Then gimme proof."

"Okay," I looked to Tully. " Sunlight or teeth?"

"I passed out at the teeth, sunlight please. I'd like to see," Amber butted in.

"Ok then, unveil the curtains!" I spread out my arms and my clothes floated before Anna's eyes as Tully pulled the curtain open.

She passed out.