Sequel: Sweet Naivety

You're a Cute Type of Ignorant


I woke up to Tully looking at me. "Bah!" I screamed "What the fuck Tully?! Do you know how creepy it is to wake up to Zeus's son staring at you?"

"Woah," he said, ignoring my outburst "I've never seen you without your snake bites in. You could pass for normal!"

"Eh he Eh he Eh he," I gave him my elf laugh. "Why are you here so early, and why do I never hear you come through my window?"

"First off, it's not early. It's 2 pm dude. Second, because you could sleep through a nuclear bomb...."

"With the cockroaches! I can be the king of the cockroaches! I'll make half cockroach half human babies. That would be difficult but it would be my responsibility to repopulate the earth..."

"I didn't say you had the ecto-skeleton of a cockroach. I said you would sleep through the noise you freak. So how did it go with Amber?"

I punched him in the shoulder. Bad idea. He head locked me. "Dude, what was that for?"

"That was for your little plan to humiliate me. You knew I couldn't talk to her you bastard. You were probably sitting at home twiddling your fingers and mu-ha-haing."

"I can't do all the talking for you. Did you utter more then a few syllables?" He asked, letting go of his grip on my head. Ouch. I need to start working out.

"Actually we talked a lot. She wants me to call her today."

"Oh, the years of staring at her more then any other person and you're actually friends with her now. How ironic."

"How long did you know I ... studied her?"

"You mean beseech her? Sixth grade, man. You're so obvious when you're not being all invisible and stuff."

"Mm." I answered.

I got out of bed and brushed my teeth. Tully decided to wave his arms up and down behind me and it looked funny, my skinny body and his massive arms so I choked on toothpaste. It got to the point where he had to give me the Heimlich maneuver. What? I use a lot of toothpaste. Then he watched in amazement as I put in my snakebites. I think he thought they just grew there, like I got a special part of puberty, I don't have beard hair yet, but I get two metal rods under my lip. Welcome to manhood!

"So are you going to call Amber or do you want me to dial for you?" I swear Tully can read my thoughts. I gave him my "fuck you" smile and called.

A half an hour later we're at the mall. A public place. Me and Amber ( and Tully,but whatever) are hanging out where people can see us. Weird. Everyone sees' her, and I blend in the scenery. I'm kind of nervous that since I'm with her, people will see me. Call me a chicken, but I'm not used to it.

Amber seems kind of jumpy herself. She's searching everywhere like she's afraid some one is going to pop out and scare her. "Embarrassed to be with us?" Tully asked, obviously noticing as well.

Her cheeks flush red. My God, that is the biggest turn on. "No! Of course not. I just don't want to see some people and I'm afraid they'll be here."

"Don't worry, Tully looks intimidating, and I know Kung Fu. I may look small, but I have some killer moves," I say, winking at her.

She laughs but then her smile turns into a horrified glare. I turn around to see a a big jock from my school, Kurt, and a couple of girls looking like cupid just struck them with an arrow. I can practically see the arrows up their asses. "Ambie, sweet heart. Haven't seen you. Have you been.. avoiding me?" He says it close to her face, in a scary, but sexy way.

She shudders and closes her eyes. " Go away, Kurt."

"Who are these guys?" He asks,circling her and playing with her hair. I'm going to rip off his three pound fingers. "Your new boy toys? I hope you're using protection."

"Shut up!" She screeches, her bottom lip trembling.

"What?" He says, looking at her then us then her again. "Oh... They don't know your past?"

A tear slides down her cheek. "You know deep down I'm not like that. Stop trying to convince people you're the good guy," she whispers.

" Who's saying your a bad girl? A little fun isn't so bad.."

She runs off before he can finish his sentence. I look at him, glaring and he grins. It's a happy grin, but there's evil behind it. I chase after her as Tully threatens him to leave her alone.

I get into the parking lot and see her car screeching out of it. Tully comes up beside me, and we sit in silence. I can't help but wonder if she's going to be okay.
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I'm breaking the law in my story, under aged drivers...oops!