Sequel: Sweet Naivety

You're a Cute Type of Ignorant

The Motherload of All Hangovers

I opened my eyes and everything was black. Wait? Did I actually open my eyes? Oh, I'm under the blanket. I let out a nice loud fart and pulled the blanket out from over my head. I'm on the floor. Wait... Last night.

Amber is in my bed and I just did a Hurricane Katrina Fart.

Thank God, she didn't stir. I wake up and sit next to her on the bed Indian style. It's kind of creepy, and I hope she doesn't wake up to me staring at her and smiling. She's going to have the mother load of all hangovers. After a few minutes I decide to get her some aspirin and a cold cup of water when she wakes up and bring pop tarts up for me and her to eat. I walk into my room humming and she sitting up in the bed, her hair a mess, but still perfect looking. Her makeup is running down her face and she smiles when she sees me, or the aspirin.

"Good morning, Sunshine," I say smiling and handing her the aspirin. She chugs it down and reaches for a pop tart.

"How's your head?" I asked.

"It feels like I smashed it into a brick wall 300 times, then decided to have sumo wrestlers dance on top of it."

"Hmph. The hokie pokie?"

"No. An Irish step dance."

I laughed.

"So... What happened last night?" she asked.

"Well, you got drunk and tried convincing me I was Tina Turner. Then you suggested I impersonate her."

"Oh. Sounds fun. Now seriously, what happened?"

" You drove off and I looked for you and found you with a half empty bottle of vodka and you called me a stalker and I saved you," I put my hands on my hips like superman.

She patted the bed so I went and sat across from her. "Thank you. Really. No one has ever done such a nice thing for me."

"..Really? I thought you had a bunch of best friends."

"Lyle do you pay attention to the drama in our school?"


"Well, I don't really have friends anymore. I guess I didn't in the first place."

"What happened?"

"Some stupid rumors. Everybody will believe anything and it's not true."

"What rumor?"

She just looks at me. It's something really bad, I can tell and she deciphering whether I'll judge her or not. "I won't judge you."

She hesitates and take a breathe. " I got really, really drunk one night.. and some people took advantage of me..and they took a video."

I just looked at her to make her carry on. She starts to sob. "I-I told them no. There were three of them.. and one of them was Kurt...and I thought he loved me. They made my screams in the video look like moans and they sent it to the whole school. Now everyone thinks I'm this huge slut.. but I was a virgin before that..they stole my innocence from me," She took the covers and buried herself under.

I just sat there for a few seconds, but then I went under as well. She was crying so hard and I just hugged her and kissed away her tears.

"It's okay.. I know the truth.. It's okay.. " She bundled her head into my neck and I held onto her tight to show her, I'm not leaving, I'm here for you.