Sequel: Sweet Naivety

You're a Cute Type of Ignorant

Match Maker from Heaven

*Time lapse= a month later*

I gave Amber a peck on her nose, her favorite spot before letting her go to class. It really is a hard thing to do, let her out of my arms. It's funny, because I've never had a relationship like this with a girl, and it happened so fast. I'm crazy about her.

"Hey Buddy!" Tully hollers down the hall to me. 7 girls looking at him with that 'ah' stare. Stop being naive Tully!

"Hottest male of the year!!!! "I scream. I need to get out of these habits, because people notice me now. People know who I am, and they know me by "That Guy Amber Dates." Honestly, I prefer Lyle, but whatever floats your boat.

Some girls giggles, and others flush and turn away. One keeps on looking at Tully though. I think they are having a staring contest, because he's looking at her, and they aren't blinking...."Uh..Knock knock?"

Tully blinks and smiles a lovers smile "Oh, sorry dude. Zoned out for a second."

"Hm, yeah, noticed. Anyway, tonight, me, you, Amber, and that girl your undressing with your eyes, hanging out? Ok? ok."

Tully starts to interrupt but I walk over to his eye candy and tell her the plans, she seems shy but agrees after me persuading and persuading. I did everything but give her a lap dance and some cash. She agreed. Did I mention I'm not shy anymore? It's weird, what a person like Amber can do for you. All the good...Especially her kissing... she's a good kisser...

"Lyle!" Tully screams in my ear. "Wake up Dude!"

"Ah!" I scream again. People don't notice this time. Yay me.

"What the hell was that?!"

"I got you a date because you're a pussy and can't get one yourself. Me and Amber will pick you up at 8..." I run away, hardly hearing his protests.

English class, Mrs. Haystack. You've moved on to butterfingers I see...?
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(sorry so long and p.s. read first chapter for last sentence )