Status: Hope you guys enjoy!!!

Cruel Intensions: Being Inside the Mind of a Young Serial Killer

Day 1 8:26 p.m.

The Police Station

"What do you mean you can't find Josh?" Mitch asked calmly.

Hannah is sitting on the chair shaking uncontrollably with tears streaming out of her eyes. Mitch hands her some tissues. She takes it automatically but made no effort to using it.

"I m-mean I c-can't find him." She stammers. She couldn't find her son and nobody seems to grasp the concept. "You have to help m-me. Please Mitch."

Hannah starts to get up from her seat but Mitch gently pushes her back down. "I'll do everything i can, but you have to calm down-"

"Calm down!" She shouts. "I can't believe this! My God, you've got a daughter, you should understand. You of all people-"

"Hannah!" he snapped making her flinch and blink at him. "You know i'll help you but you need to calm down and start at the beginning."

Hannah slumps in her chair, squeezing her eyes shut and presses a hand over her mouth trying to compose herself. Mitch concentrates on her and leans forward and offers her his hand. Hannah takes it and squeezed hard as if she were in extreme pain.

"I was supposed to pick him up after school. I was leaving the hospital but we had an emergency so I couldn't get away. I had someone call the school to tell Josh that i was going to be late. The one of the patient goes into cardiac arrest and-"

And i lost the patient and now my son, she thought to herself. The sense of failure and guilt washes over her like a giant hand is pressing on her. She tightened her grip on Mitch's hand.

"I forgot. I forgot he was waiting." A fresh wave of tears washes down her face. Hannah doubles over while the emotions tear at her.

Mitch may look calm on the outside as his job permits, but inside he was nervous wreck with a hint of fear. Hannah was right if it were his daughter-

"When i g-got there, he w-was g-gone."

"Well maybe Paul picked him up."

"No, it was my turn to pick him up today."

"Did you call him to check?"

"Yea but he wasn't in the office."

"Then Josh probably got a ride from one of his friends and he's probably at his friend's house."

"No, i called everybody that i could think of. I even checked at home just in case he decided to walk. I can't find him anywhere."

"Do you have a picture of Josh?"

"Yes, his school picture." Hannah digs in her purse to look for the picture.

"What was he wearing to school today?"

"Uhhh jeans and a blue sweater."

"I'll call it in right away."

Mitch drives to scene of the crime. Right when he was entering the main building.


Mitch runs toward the voice.


"What is it?" He demanded.

"You'd better come see this."

"Oh God, is it Josh?"

"No. Just come."

"What? What did you find?"

No one speaks. The officers look at one another, mute.

"Well fuck!" He yells. "Somebody better fucking say something!"

One officer drops a duffel bag in front of him with Josh's name in big bold letters facing him.

Mitch looks at it sees that it is partially open with a piece of paper sticking out. He takes the paper by its corners and carefully opens it.

He read it. Quickly at first, then again slowly. As each word takes comprehension, his blood grew colder.

a child has vanished
ignorance is not innocence but SIN
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry...i know it took a while for me to update....i tried yesterday but it got deleted and it pissed me off and just killed my mood for retyping it i hope you guys enjoy!! don't forget to comment :)