The Visionary

scene 1

A hand appears and opens a cabinet door and takes out a bottle of pills.(playing a good song)Hanson starts singing it and pacing around he looks surprised as he grabs a soda and pops the pills.

New scene of a funeral home with a closed casket. A voice over comes on, its Wednesday.

Wednesday: Have you ever felt like somone hates you. Like you can't escape the rumors they told about you because not all of them are lies. I have. And The only person that didnt beleive those rumors was lying dead in that casket.

Now i know what your thinking. Who killed her. Well to be honest no one killed her. She did it herself. Took a gun to the head a BANG!

I hate being alone. Everyone at this funeral is fake. They didn't even know Jill they just want time out of class to see a counselor or somthing.

Grant: who died?


Grant: Who died? who's in the casket?

Wednesday: Mary Flint, Why does she know you.

Grant: Nah Im just here to pick up chicks

Wednesday: Get out.

Grant: hee hee Im kidding, take a joke.

Wednesday: I said get out. I've never seen you before and You don't know Mary so get out. Now

Grant: Hey! who do you think you are! This is a funeral Im allowed to see my sister if i want to.


Grant:looks uncomfortable and shuffles a bit, he looks around nervously like he is waiting for somthing.

Wednesday: i said get out.

Grant: Or what, you gonna take me out side and beat me, eh precious.

Other kid: DUDE I GOT THE BOOZE other kid comes running out of the Funeral room, Grant runs with him looking back to wink at Wednesday

ratty broken down hell hole of a house.
Wednesday walks in

June: God Wendy! Shut the door its raining out there! Gee!

Wednesday: takes off coat and sounds a little angry When did Rick get here?

June: last night. ...came in through the kitchen window.

Rick: Wendy, you look pretty when you sleep smiles like a creeper, June slaps him on the knee and laughs really loudly.

Wednesday: just starts walking to her room.

Rick: You know June, your sister gets hotter each time i see her.

June: Ricky don't be a creep. laughing drunkenly

Rick: Well she is related to you baby.