The First Tale: The Lonite Society


My uncle, James MrClanes, was a great man in his day. He was a great, famous man that saved thousands on almost a daily basis. He went through his life making sure that everyone saw what was to be read between the lines as well as help them read it themselves.

Every-time I visited him until his death, I would sit and listen to his stories. Now three months after his death I have found that it is his stories that haunt me more than anything. Mu girlfriend says that we must find a way to stop them and I know that the only way is to find out if they are true or not. Now that is what I do.

My first tale is the Lonite Society. My uncle said that they were most formidable advisory that he had every encountered. He also said that they were one of the three enemies of his that he did not defeat.

As my uncle told me, the Lonite Society was once a society based on the idea that if one wants to live a peaceful life they must set oneself right to a specific list of codes. These codes were called the Lonite Rules, hence the society's name. They were very strict and were started by a man in a small North Dakota town, named Marty Clemons.

Marty Clemons and the Lonite rules all started out as a joke. It was nothing more than a set rules that Marty had developed to help him raise his three boys. Eventually it lead to other parents embracing the idea, and then, after much altering, the rules were followed by everyone in that small, isolated town. Not only were the rules heavily followed, Marty Clemons became the hero. No, he became a SAINT.

Well, as the Lonite Society begain to grow, there started a great mystery through the land. The neighboring town soon started to notice that every-time someone went to next town the never seemed to return. Most of the times it came from the fact that the person just simply moved. Most of the time. There times when the p0erson seemed to disappear from the face of the earth.

It was at this time that they decided to call in my uncle. They told him that they needed him to infiltrate the society and reak the conspiracy down. They wanted him to go and get the job down. The only problem was that this wss my uncle's first job. It was first chance to show the world (or at least this part of North Dakota) what he was made of.
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This is the first sotry in a long line to come hope enjoy what I wrote so far.