Green Day + Food Fight = O.O ?

Green Day + Food Fight = O.O ?

All Billie’s P.O.V.

“TRE! DON'T DO--!” interrupted by a huge crash inside the kitchen. Glass was shattered all over the checkered tile floor and ketchup was smeared along the sides of the counter doors. “Good job fuck nuts! Look what you did!”

“Hey man! It was that accident.” Tré explained. A huge smirk was plastered across his face. His cheeks were turning red from trying hard not to laugh

“Yeah your face was an accident too but…” Once again I was cut off, but this time by the laughter of Tré. He was practically a four year old when it came to responsibility.

“But y--you still looove mee!!!” Tré managed to say through his laughter. I couldn’t help but smile at his stupidity. I could never get mad at Tré and he knew it. Every time I tried I would end up laughing at something that came out of this retards mouth.

“He got a good point Bill. I mean come on! You never forgive me or anyone else as fast as you forgive him. Even if I was to do the same thing he did. Like this.” CRASH

Mike smiled with some sort of accomplishment and looked over at me. At this point Tré was laughing his ass off even more. I slowly turned my attention to the floor to find not one, but two broken dishes on the floor and more ketchup and now mustard splattered all over the floor. Bringing my attention back up to Mike, laughter filled the room between Tré and Mike.

“AHA sorry Billie. But I had to do it.” Mike explained. My eyes burned into Mike’s. I couldn’t believe he just did that. I decided to play it off well. Pretending like nothing happened at all; I lifted up my plate from the counter where I placed it before to clean up from our ‘Band Meeting,’ and held it in my hand. “Hey? Whatcha gonna do with tha--?” CRASH! Food now covered Mike’s once visible Ramones tee.

I couldn’t help but laughing hysterically. “That.” I laughed. Tré stared at me like I had 12 heads and Mike’s face looked very competitive for some reason. Tré looked at me with the most serious look I ever saw him have ever.

“FOOD FIGHT!” Mike and Tré screamed simultaneously.

“WOAH WOAH WOAH HEY!” I screamed. “You guys can’t start a food fight!”

“And why not?” Tré asked me. I walked over to the table where there must have been enough food for the whole town of Oakland. “Because,” I started. “This is my house…. AND I START THE FOOD FIGHTS HERE!” I laughed, picking up a half cold cheeseburger and threw it at the back of Mike’s head.

“AHHH I M HIT!” Mike screamed after being pounded with the meat. I was laughing so hard I didn’t even see Tré sneak up behind me and pour a whole bowl of untouched corn onto my head.

“Now your gonna get it you little shit” I yelled furiously. We all ran over to the table and started throwing food and glass dishes everywhere. All that could be heard was glass shattering, our war cries a food being thrown and hitting the floor and walls. Nothing else was heard. Not even the furious screams from Adie who have just ran down the stairs.

“BILLIE, MIKE, TRE. HEY!” she screamed and then put two fingers in her mouth and let out an earsplitting whistle.

“Oh shit.” I sighed. “Babe, Uhh it’s ummm not,” I quickly tried to think of an excuse, but the only one that came to my mind just blurted out. “TRE STARTED IT BABY! I SWEAR!”

“Yeah. Of course he did Billie. And I was born yesterday.” She mimicked.

“Umm actually… your birthday was yesterday. So technically…” I started.

“Stop! I don’t care who the hell started it! I want this kitchen cleaned up! NOW!” she scolded. With that she walked out of the room.

“See what you did. You’re in for it now.” Billie Complained

“I’m thinking… No sex for you tonight Bill.” Tré laughed. I wanted to punch him in the face so bad just for that comment. But he is Tré. It’s impossible for me to get mad at him.

“Shut up and help me.” I said, picking up the broken pieces of glass and food all over the floor.

“HAHA,” Mike laughed. “Tré said sex. THAT WAS FUNNY!”

“Mike laughs at that cause he doesn’t get any.” commented Tré. “OOO WHAT KNOW BEEOTCH?” I had to laugh at that. Mike frowned a bit and then slapped Tré in the back of the head.

“Tré… SHUT UP!!!” Mike laughed. “You probably can’t even get it up.”

“OK CHILDREN!!!” I screamed. “Let’s play a game call ‘Help Uncle Billie do the Dishes!!!’.”

Mike and Tré sighed but walked over to the sink and helped to the dishes. Mike started putting away the dry dishes, Tré dried the wet dishes and I washed them. It was like an assembly line. Everything was working out fine. I handed Tré that drain thing. You know the thing that you use to strain macaroni. Tré dunked it back in the water while no one was looking and gave it a swing right towards my face. Water flew off the strainer and went all over me.


“I don’t know. I was bored and had nothing else to do” Tré explained. “So I decided to ya know, start a water fight. Or… something. I don’t know.”

“Tré. Don’t you think we had enough destructive fun for today? I mean we just finished scrubbing floors after a huge food fight. Isn’t that enough for you?

“Hmmm… NOPE!” he shouted. “BWAHAHA!”

“I hate to barge into this lovely conversation but uhhh I am kinda bored too. Can we have another food fight?” Mike asked. “That was fuuun!”

“I GIVE UP! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!” I yelled. “I am gonna go upstairs and go to sleep. Clean up your messes and I’ll be happy. AND NO TRYING TO RAPE ME WHILE I AM SLEEPING…. Tré.” I laughed.

“You are just sucking the fun out of everything today aren’t you Bill? Some one’s PMSing”

I walked over to him and punched him in the face. Not hard but hard enough to make his nose bleed. “YEAH! YOU’RE NOSE! THERE ARE TAMPONS IN THE BATHROOM! GOOD LUCK!”