
The Still Night

“Please don’t tell anyone about her” I said worried

I was fiddling with my fingers and my brother Mikey was beside me watching TV. He’s eyes remained dark and he pushed his glasses to his head.

“You got drunk Gerard you’re an idiot for even showing your face to her” he yelled

“I’m sorry she just came up to me and tried helping” I stuttered

“Well I don’t wont you hanging around her no more okay she’s human an as soon she tells everyone about are little vampire secret were screwed” he yelled back

“I wont I promise” I whispered

I still haven’t told him she had parents as vampires but I wanted to wait until it was the right time. So basically Mikey thought she was some girl off the street I saw. So Mikey relaxed on the couch and I got up. I decided to go for a walk around are four storey houses. It was pretty big so all the vampires could live here so they can protect each other. I walked up the stairs and I noticed Bob running towards me.

“Hey Gerard where are we hunting next?” Bob said excited

“Probably that park I notice some animals there and no one will see its carcass because no ones enters it” I said smiling

“You’ve been there” Bob said confused

“A few nights ago” I said

“Okay cool well I’ll go tell everyone” he said running pass me

I walked to my room and I entered with caution hoping Billie was after my things again. Billie was a vampire also and when he was human he was hunted down for burglary. His vampire girlfriend Katy changed him into a vampire because she didn’t want to lose him. Katy was never seen again some say he killed her and some say she ran to another vampire coven.

I got in my room and I shut the door behind me. Nothing was touched, the band posters clung to the wall, my drawings were all around my desk and my toys sat on my bookshelf with many books. I had no bed because I never sleep so I only stayed in my room to draw or to keep by myself.

“Gerard” Billie whispers

I turned around and he entered my bedroom.

“What?’ I said in anger

“Nothing just checking what you were doing” he shrugged

He scuffed up his black spiky hair and his brown eyes lingered around my room. I stood there with my arms crossed.

“Get out” I yelled

“Okay chill dude and I wanted to say were hunting in a few hours” he said

I watched as he left my bedroom and I sat on my wooden chair waiting for the time to pass.

Scarlets POV

I sat on my bed, humming to myself and waiting till my parents left the house. I heard the door slam and I got up quickly. I skipped to the kitchen for something to eat and I looked out the window to notice it was getting dark. I decided to make myself noodles and I ate out the front balcony. It wasn’t cold at all but the wind that went pass made me shiver. I finished my noodles and I couldn’t wait no longer I wanted to risk my life to go walking at night I hated staying in the house when it was dark and the night made me got hyper. I found a coin on the table and I flipped it a few times suddenly it stopped in mid air.

“What the hell?” I whisper

I watched the coin stay there and I looked around everything stopped in their tracks. The leaves stopped in air and the still birds helpless in the sky. I panicked and I grabbed the coin into my hands. I stood up quickly and I looked around thinking I must have fallen asleep and this is all a stupid dream. I then took off walking down the road eager to find out what the hell happened.

"What are you doing miss?" someone shouted behind me

To Be Contiued....