Status: Active




The week went by fast after Jacob, Quil and Embry started hanging out with us. We all ate lunch together and I found that Quil was in my first and third periods but he just didn't sit by me.

We were all becoming fast friends because nobody else would talk to us though girls swooned at Ephraim while I got the glares and nasty comments about my clothes and hair.

That didn't bother me much because I'd always had more guy friends than girl ones. Ephraim and I shared everything, including friends. It didn't bother me that I didn't have 'girlfriends' because I found girls to come with too much baggage, like drama and competitiveness. After seeing Eliana cry about something one of her friends did or said to her I wasn't about to go looking for girlfriends.

"Hey U, we have to go to Keanu's shop after school right?" Ephraim asked as we sat at the lunch table with the guys.

"Yeah." I answered before taking a bite of my hamburger.

"Jake needs a ride do you think we could take him?" He asked putting some chips in his mouth.

I nodded taking another bite before picking at my fries.

"Thanks U." Jacob said before he popped open his soda and taking a swig.

"No problem." I said finishing my burger.

"You know what I love about you Euphoria?" Embry said with a smile.

"What?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"That you actually eat. Your probably the second girl I've seen eat aside from my mother." He said and I cracked up laughing.

"I keep telling you Em, you really need a social life. Then maybe you'd actually know a girl apart from me and your mother." Everybody at the table 'oooed' as Embry blushed and chucked a fry at my head that hit me right between the eyes.

"Watch it bud." I said throwing it back getting it stuck in his hair.

Everybody laughed and the bell rang signaling the end of lunch and I grabbed my bag and threw my trash and started off to my next class with E and Jacob.


"Can I drive U?" Ephraim begged as we headed out of the school.

He had his arm over my shoulder, leaning into me and his puppy dog face was blocking my view.

"Hell no, I'm driving. Now get off me you elephant. God what do you weigh, ten tons?" I asked trying to push him off me.

Jake laughed from behind us as I struggled to get out of E's grip.

"A little help here please!" I squealed as Ephraim tightened his grip.

"Okay break it up." Jake said pulling me away from Ephraim.

I huffed and fixed my hair before sticking my tongue out at him and stomping toward the car leaving E and Jake to laugh at me.

Once we were all in the car I put on my All Time Low CD and we were off to Keanu's shop.

We pulled in and Keanu rolled out from under a car and waved at us. We waved back and got out.

"I see you guys brought Jake with you. How's your dad?" Keanu asked.

"He's been good." Jacob smiled shaking Keanu's hand.

"It's good to see you. What brings you here?" Keanu asked.

"Well I'm fixing up some motorcycles and I need a couple of parts to finish them up. I was wondering if you could order them for me."

"Yeah I can do that." Keanu smiled.

"So what are you doing?" Jake asked pointing to the car.

As the guys started to get into the car talk I made my exit and walked into the little waiting room Keanu had. I made my way to the snack machine and picked a bag of skittles.

I pulled the bag open and walked back to where the guys were.

"E open your hand." I demanded as I stopped in front of him.

He looked down at the bag of skittles and grinned before cupping his hands in front of us.

I began to separate the colors between the two of us.

"What are you doing?" Jake asked with a laugh.

"Me and Ephraim always share skittles. He gets the oranges and red because those are his favorite. I get the yellow and the purple because those are my favorite and then we evenly split the greens because we both like those the best. I know it's weird but we've done it since we were kids." I smiled as I finished sorting and then I began to eat my half as I sat down on the concrete floor.

"That is weird." Jacob said as he reached down and stole a green one from me.

I scowled at him as I punched him in the thigh which was the only thing I could reach from my spot on the ground.

"Jerk." I said playfully with a smile.

"What the green ones are like, everyone's favorites." He shrugged and I rolled my eyes and turned back to my candy.
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