Status: FIN!

I'm Free Falling.

Loves Jesus and America Too;

Lizzy Larkin. I love you more than anything.

I spoke very quietly in an open field.
Suddenly I had guitar and pick in hand and I began strumming an unfamiliar tune.

You, You’re like driving on a Sunday.
You, You’re like taking off on Monday.
You, you’re like a dream, a dream come true.

Tears began welling in the mysterious, but so lovely, girls eyes.

I, I’m just a face you never notice,
Now I’m just trying to be honest,
With myself, with the world.

“NICHOLAS! WAKE UP!” My mom yelled, turning on the light in my room. My eyes quickly shot open, and My hand shot up to my hair what was extremely disheveled. I sighed a little and got out of bed. I couldn’t get Lizzy Larkin’s Smile out of my mind. She was just so lovely. As soon as I was done in the shower, I went straight to my laptop what was sitting on my nightstand from my late night music frenzy. I went on our band MySpace and looked up Lizzy Larkin.
20 results of Lizzy Larkin.
I didn’t have time. I shut the screen and walked out of my bedroom. It was time for Paparazzi and A Million Interviews. Perks of being a Rockstar.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments=Happy Hannah. [: