Status: FIN!

I'm Free Falling.

i'm a bad boy, for breaking her heart;

One Friend Request!
My MySpace said. I clicked the link, just to see who it was. Jonas Brothers. I felt my jaw instantly hit the floor. I immediately accepted the friend request and looked at their page. Their song Paranoid flooded the speakers of my computer. I quickly turned down my sound since It was midnight and I was still at my aunts for one more night. I went and looked at their pictures and found Nick.
“Huh. Better looking than in my dream…” I giggled when I thought that.
Maybe he was having the same dream too, that’s why they added me and not the other way around…I thought to myself as I laid in bed, looking at the ceiling. Is it even possible?

“Wizzy, It’s time to wake up!” Lily shook me. Today was the day I was going home. “We get to visit Sadie, Today!” Sadie, referring to my dog, who Lily LOVES.
“Thanks Lily, Hun. Tell your mommy I’ll be upstairs in a couple seconds.” I smiled sweetly at her. She smiled back and nodded, then running away giggling. I got up and walked upstairs, not worrying about my outfit, a pair of my brothers old basketball shorts and an old Fall Out Boy tee.
“Morning Sweetie, Ready to go home? I bet your sick of us.” My aunt Tammy giggled to herself. She was the most chipper person I have ever met in the morning.
“Come on, Tammy, I could never get sick of you guys, why do you think I’m always here?” I smiled back at her as she set a plate of pancakes in front of me and Lily.
“I doubt that.” she put her hand on my shoulder for just a second and walked away. We ate and made conversation like we always do on Saturday mornings, the days I love most.