Status: FIN!

I'm Free Falling.

All the vampires, walking through the valley;

I couldn’t believe I was on a plane to Oregon. With every ounce of fiber, I hoped that Lizzy was going to be at the show that night. If she wasn’t I would search the town for her. I am not the type to give up on potential love.
“you like driving on a Sunday.
You, you like taking off on Monday.
You, you’re like a dream,
A dream come true” I began strumming for the first time outside of my dream. If Lizzy was at the show, I was going to play it. If she wasn’t…I was probably going to sing it, but to and for no one in particular. As I finished the song, I felt a pair of eyes on me.
“That was beautiful, Nicholas.” My mom whispered quietly. “This Lizzy girl will love it.”
I felt a wave of confusion, then my face turn red.
“How do you know about her?” I asked most likely sounding confused.
“My secret mom powers,” She smirked. “And your father and I have full access to your computer, remember?”
I didn’t know what to say, so I just turned to look out the window and smiled at just the thought of Lizzys reaction to the song. My mom put her hand on my shoulder and walked away.


“Nick! Wake up, man,” Joe began shaking my arm. “We are now in the beautiful state of Oregon!”
“I’m up!” I smiled throwing my hands up and standing up. I heard Joe chuckle very quietly and walk away. I grabbed my bags from the top compartment and walked off the plane.
‘Oregon,’ I thought to myself. ‘Finally…’