Status: One Shot - Completed.


How Do I Breathe Without You

I was gripping the steering wheel so tight my knuckles were turning white. I didn’t want to do this; but I have to. I knew once I did this there would be no turning back. I looked at you in me rearview mirror with tears streaking my face. People are people and sometimes it just doesn’t work out. I tried so many times to save us. And it’s killing me saying goodbye. I closed my eyes.

A Few Years Ago…

The sun was high in the sky on this late July day. I was lying beside Tommy on the sand. He was perched on his side, holding his head with his hand and he was tracing circles on my stomach. We didn’t say anything for awhile. We liked it that way. With us there was no pressure about talking. We loved just being in each other’s company.

“It’s so easy being with you.” He spoke still tracing circles. I met his eyes. They captivated me so much. It was more of what was hiding behind them rather than what was on the surface. “Promise me forever.”

“I promise.” He stood up and pulled me up with him. He kissed me softly before running into the ocean. When he made it to the shoreline, he turned back to look at me and waved his hand inviting me over. How could I not accept? I ran to him. He caught me in his arms and swung me around.

He’s been all I’ve known over the years and it was going to be hard to go through life without him. I started my truck and the radio came on. It’s the kind of song you hear at the end of a sad movie. Something in me kept it on as I pulled out of his driveway. I felt my world fall apart as I got farther and farther from him. The only thought that lingered in my mind was: How was I, Annika, going to breathe without him?