Status: R.I.P. Umaga. you will be missed ;_;

Raven Child


It has been months since we became a real couple. I never thought I could ever become close with someone like this. I mean since i said I waned more then a 'Bad Romance', I got so much. what people think of Kane is polar apposite of what i think of him. Like, when they say he's just a monster, I see an angel; my diamond in the rough. I can truly say, I love him. Yet, I haven't said it once. I try to but I'm either interrupted or my mouth freezes up.

For the last several months we have been training hard for the day of all days, the Unisex Tag Team championship. Its the night of all nights and, damn it, We're gonna win.

As I am sparing in my locker room, Kane knocks on the door and comes in.
"Hey, sexy."
He smiles.

I am the only lucky one that can ever see his happy smile.
"Hey, handsome"
I smile and take deep breaths.

He walks over to me and puts his hands on my hips as i put my arms around his neck. He kisses me deeply as I do back. He pulls my body closer and starts grinding against me. I moan softly and massage his head in lust.

He pulls away and smirks down at me as i have the look of lust and pout.

I whine.

He just laughed.

Damn, that laugh makes me smile every time. There's something I noticed that since we've been together: No arguing at all.

I watch him get ready for our match and just think of how lucky I am. Yet, I can't even say 'I love you'.


I bring up Swagger from the floor and look him dead in the eyes with no emotion and pull out the 'Sparrow Effect'.

Matt Striker shouted from his table. i just look down at swagger then his partner, Layla (being accompanied by Michelle McCool). I then walk over to Kane and tag him in. Kane picks swagger up and gives him a nice chock slam to hell then goes for the pin. We Win our match.


Walking back stage with out titles around us feels oh, so, damn good. Kane has his arm around me as we walk and i see Raven coming towards us, With Undertaker. Raven has been against Kane and I having a relationship, but I don't care. As the relationship I have with the Undertaker, Its all good. He treats me like I'm family and and always calls me 'Mrs. Kane'.

My Father and Undertaker walk over to us. Raven extends his hand out to Kane.
Raven gives us a half smirk.

Undertaker shook my hand then his brother. As I then shook Ravens hand. As we were all walking to the locker room, Undertaker wanted to talk to Kane alone. I kissed Kane and watched him leave with his brother as Raven and I went into the locker room.


Undertaker and Kane are talking down the empty hall and laughing here and there. As they both are laughing Undertaker gets serious with Kane and starts another topic.

"So, Kane. How's it like with Krista?"
Taker asked

He took a minute to find the words.
"Indescribable. I mean, the fact that someone actually cares and gives me any kind of emotion is just, wow."
You could see the joy in Kane's eyes.

Undertaker just smiled at his little brother.
"Good, Its nice to see you happy."
Taker pats his brothers shoulder.

Kane smiled sinisterly.
"There's just one more thing to make my life perfect."

"And whats that?"
Undertaker asked.

Kane then attacks his brother.

No one around to whitens a thing.
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I am SOOOOOOOO SORRY its been so long since i put a story out. I will try my best to give out more story.