Status: Give it time.. Comments deeply loved!!!

Lie to Me

Chapter Nineteen

"This isn't the first time she's done something like this either." I mused pacing back and forth. "We we're about fourteen when she made out with my last boyfriend, that happened to be Mickey. It was right before...right before he disappeared." I found my self talking and not being able to shut up. It was like diarrhea of the mouth, and poor Ed was stuck listening.

"What happened?" he asked quietly.

"When I found out what they were doing I ran because that's what I'm good at, I run." I said bitterly. Maybe I do need to get this out, tell someone what really happened. "Mickey yelled after me, as well as Bella. I knew he kissed her, and that made it worse. I ran all the way to the other side of town, not stopping once. Mickey and I used to hang out in this old warehouse, sneak and alcohol and other crap. Mickey finally caught up to me and found me playing with my lighter and drinking."

"Is this how Mickey died, or thought he died?" Edward asked. He caught on quick.

"The alcohol fell over and spilled everywhere. Mickey tried to take my lighter, but it slipped from our hands and it was too late." my voice cracked, tears starting to fall down my face.I shrank to the ground and held my head in my hands. Edward sat beside me, curious to hear the rest. "The fire spread engulfing the place. I quickly got out, but Mickey was stuck inside. I heard him scream for me to help. For me to make it stop. I tried the best I could, b-but it just got worse. I can still see his face in my sleep." I was now crying my eyes out, clinging to Edward as he attempted to comfort me. "The police came and called it an accident. But I new I made it worse somehow, trying to stop it. I knew it wasn't Bella's fault, but I could never forgive either of them, so that day I lost my boyfriend and my sister."

"Oh Jess, it isn't your fault." A new voice added. Mickey was looking down at me, and if a vampire could cry, I'm sure he would be. "You did everything you could. This one's on me. And for that I'm sorry."

I hugged Mickey all I could. He was my best friend, and always will be.


Not ten minutes after Jesse left Bella started apologizing, over and over again. She kept saying how stupid and selfish she was, and how I should hate her. This girl has got some issues. I heard Jesse's car pull up, but Mickey got out of the driver's seat. The leech walked around and pulled a sleeping Jesse out of the passenger and walked over to me. "Here." he shifted her into my arms and we walked back inside. "Just let her sleep, she's had a long day."

I nodded and took her up to her room. I went to lay her down on the bed, but her hand caught my shirt, "Don't leave, Jake." she whispered.

"I won't." I said softly and laid down beside her.

Soon after Jesse went to sleep. I wonder what shaken her up so bad, she seems so vulnerable. Mickey was all ready gone because Charlie can't see him, since he is supposed to be dead and all. I saw Charlie at the kitchen table. "Oh, hey Jacob."

"Hi Charlie, can I ask you a question?" he nodded, "What was it like for Jesse after her friend, Mickey, died?"
♠ ♠ ♠
a lot happened this chapter, Jesse's past wise. Read my Harry Potter Story, it's called When Touching the Edge of Her Skin. I'll update soon, comment please. Some out of the ordinary's POV next time!

