Status: slowly coming back to life.... after a long time away....

Until the End.

I Wish...

I put my hand to my mouth and held off the stream of questions and sobs that had gathered on the tip of my tongue. His blue eyes softened slightly at the sight of my obvious horror and sorrow upon hearing of the death of my mentor, the only man who I had ever come close to considering a father.
Opening the door a little wider, he gestured for me to come inside before turning his back and disappearing into its depths. I stood silent, slowing lowering my hand and took a few deep breaths. I couldn’t let my emotions get the better of me. It would only end up causing more trouble, and that defiantly was not what I wanted right now. I knew I couldn’t hold off entering the home I had left so long ago, slowly I moved forward, catching one last glimpse of the sparkling ocean before I shut the door.
I took me another minute or two to gather the courage to turn and move towards the kitchen.

As I entered nine heads swung my way, the looks on their faces making me flinch at the memory of the last time I had stood among them in this room. The day I left with out saying goodbye. Like Jimmy, their features softened at my obvious discomfort.
That is all except one.
My eyes had moved over each face, looking for changes, regrouping my memories of the times I had spent with them. Johnny gave a slight wave. Zacky and Gena a small smile. Everyone else was neutral, except one. Brain Haner aka Synyster Gates, Papa Gates natural born son. His face was a mix of total devastation, and anger that was very defiantly at this moment aimed towards me, before he dismissed me with a snarl and turned to address the rest of the group with a single statement.

“ I want whoever did this to pay.”

He stood and moved towards the door, shoving me out of the way before bounding up the stairs. No one moved until a door slammed shut.
Mentally I could see him pacing the floor, running his hand threw his hair before sitting on the edge of the bed head in hands. I didn’t have to use my gifts to see this. I knew him better than most in the room. This was his way of dealing with anything beyond his control. He would stay there for a few hours and then rejoin us a bit calmer and with a clearer picture of what he wanted to do. And nothing in his picture was ever good.

I regained my balance and stood a little straighter an taller than before. Once again the focus was on me. Waiting for me to speak. What did they want me to say

“I’m sorry that I left.” or “I’m sorry for your loss”

Neither of them seemed enough to make me or them any better. It was as much my loss as theirs. After all it was Papa Gates who saved my from becoming more of a monster than I already am. Instead I settled on a calm face, that hid my emotions. A face that was second nature to me after five years in hiding.

“Hello.” It seemed the easiest of all the possible conversation starters.

Before I could react I was pulled into a hug by the last person after Brian I expected to welcome me back and forgive me. Matt.

“As much as I would love to kick your ass for disappearing like that I’m too glad you back right now to even bother.” He said placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

I opened my mouth to reply but was pulled into a continuous round of hugs and “Welcomes Backs” and “We missed you” that I had forgotten what I wanted to say. Leana pulled me to sit between her, Val, Gena and Lacey. Matt, Jimmy, Johnny and Zack sat opposite, Brian’s chair was left empty as was Papa Gates. A single candle lit by his chair his loss.

All attention was once again on me. Waiting for me to speak, for guidance. I should probably explain that after Papa Gates and Brian, I had been 3rd in command of our group. I guess since I had returned that position was mine to reclaim.
My first question was pretty straightforward.

“Any idea’s on who did this?”

Matt slid over a list of possible suspects. I ran my eyes over it scratching out a couple of names of guys I new had met their demise by other hands.
My second question was harder to get out.

“How did he die?”

“They poisoned him with silver and shoved a stake threw his heart.”

All our heads swung towards the door, at Brian's bitter reply. I guess he had changed since the last time I saw him. Instead of being his usual smug self, he radiated a fierce anger. His gaze was on me.

“Do you want to know what his last words were? The were not I love you Brian or goodbye, but to find you. YOU!” He screamed pointing a finger at me. “To find you… and tell YOU that he is proud of you, that he forgives you.”

The room was sitting shock still, my breathing loud and clearly heard by everyone.
It was a mix of the shock that made me stand and move towards him. But stupidity made me try to touch him. Before anyone could react, I was on the ground on the other side of the room, the wall beside me cracked with the impact of my body. My head ached, I tried to move but the my body seemed broken. I closed my eyes to try and refocus. Everyone seemed to think I had passed out. Chaos erupted around me. One of the girls screamed, someone pulled me into their arms. My mind began to dim, I managed quick glance around the room before darkness started to pull me in.
As I was manpowered though the doorway. His voice made it through the angry voices of the group. To meet my ears, before I lost consciousness.

“I wish you never came back.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, seven subscribers already! cheers guys!! :)