Status: Short Story, Complete

I Can't Resist

I'm All Yours

"I'm telling you," Bri said, sipping her coffee. "He looks good."

"Please." I scoffed. "He could never-" The door dinged, silencing our conversation. Bri's expression became smug. I turned. My mouth fell open, cup crashing to the floor. It was plastic, so it didn't break. His eyes drifted over. He smiled, walking over. I ducked behind the counter, contemplating staying there and hiding, before picking up the cup and straightening up.

"Hey, Bri." He greeted. She smiled.

"Hi, Joe." She sent an amused glance in my direction.

"Tori." He nodded slightly.

"Joe." I replied, voice cracking. I flushed, turning away and shuffling into the back room of the coffee shop.

"What's with her?" I heard him ask. Bri laughed.

"It's the hair."


Fuck yeah, it's the hair. Shit. The boy looked more then fine. He looked drop dead sexy. I think he knows about these improper thoughts of mine, cause he's been smirking at me from across the shop for the past hour. I'd blush and avert my eyes every time he caught me staring. Jeez. I don't see why he kept that curly crap hair if he looked like this without it. He slid into one of the stools in front of the counter, that smirk still plastered on his face. He didn't say anything, just sat there, watching me. It made me nervous. I glanced up at him. "Can I help you?"

"No." He smiled. I stared, eyebrows furrowing.

"O-kay." I mumbled, turning away. I looked at the clock. "Almost closing time." I said. He nodded.

"I know."

"Hey, Tori." Bri walked up. "I'm heading out."

"What?" I blinked. "You're not gonna wait for me?" Her and Joe exchanged a knowing glance.

"No, not today. I've got something to do." She paused before adding; "And I'm sure you do, too." She giggled, walking out.

"What the..." I shook my head, cleaning off the counter top with an old rag. "Whatever." I headed into the back room, dumping the load of dishes and cups into the sink. I'd clean them tomorrow. I pulled my apron off, slipping it onto the nail by the door. It was then, I noticed, Joe standing there. "You're not allowed in here."

"Who's gonna see?" He closed the door behind him, stepping inside.

"I'm gonna get in trouble." I said, taking a step back.

"Maybe." He grew closer. I was stuck between him and the wall. Fantastic.

"Joe." I said. "What the hell are you doing?" He smirked.

"Hopefully you in about ten seconds." He murmured huskily, grasping the back of my head.

"What the fuck- mph!" His lips smashed against mine. I punched and thrashed, but he just pushed me against the wall. And now there's no way for me to escape. Lovely. He left small kisses as he pulled back, searching my eyes. "What is wrong with you?" I whispered, breathless. He smiled.

"You want me." He stated.

"The hell I do."

"Mhm." He said disbelievingly, dipping his lips to mine. I pursed my lips. He growled, going for my neck. I whimpered, making his smirk return as he eagerly pressed himself against me. I arched my back, pushing my body closer. He groaned, attacking my lips again. I hesitantly trailed my hands to his neck before running my hands through his hair. I shivered. He noticed. He pulled back, panting, watching me curiously.

"I like your hair." I squeaked. He laughed loudly, attaching our lips once more. I can't resist him anymore. His charm had always had an impact on me, I just never acknowledged it. His tongue slid in my mouth, exploring as his hands slipped under my shirt. I pushed at his chest. He pulled away, confused. "N-Not here. The manager could come in-" He nodded.

"Right." He pulled me behind him, leading me outside.

"I walked." I quipped, watching him head for the parking lot.

"I got my car." He said, gently pulling me along, towards a Mustang. "Er, my brother's." I laughed as he blushed. I climbed in the passenger seat. The car revved to life. He flashed me a smile as we hit the first red light. I looked down at my lap, blushing nervously. He placed a comforting hand on my knee, leaving it there. I grasped it. He squeezed it reassuringly. I let out a shaky breath as we reached an apartment complex. "It's okay. Don't be so nervous." He cooed, kissing my forehead. I nodded, getting out. He stood in front of me for a moment. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to." He said softly, holding my hand in his.

"I want to." I replied. "I'm just nervous. I-I've never.." I trailed off. He beamed.

"Me either."

"Seriously?" I didn't really believe him. He nodded.

"I've been waiting for the right girl." He smiled, honesty lining his eyes. My cheeks lit up with color and I looked away. He chuckled, leading me inside. We reached his room - number 13 - and I watched as he fumbled with the keys, his expression anxious. I smiled. At least I wasn't the only nervous one here. The door slid open. We walked in, him flicking the lights on. I looked around. "Welcome to my humble abode." I laughed.

"I like it. It's....cozy." I looked at him, smiling. He grinned bashfully, running a hand through his hair. It was an awkward silence for a moment.

"Tori?" He said. I looked up, into his eyes.


"I-I'm, uh." He stuttered. My head tilted. "Scared." He mumbled, looking at the ground. I lit up. I was ecstatic to hear that.

"So am I!" I grinned. He laughed, cupping my face and kissing me gently. Slowly, the kiss became more passionate, the trigger to the next events. He walked forwards, until the back of legs hit his bed. I fell gracefully, him landing on top of me. He pulled away, smiling.

"You're irresistible, even when you don't try." I blushed. His lips massaged mine as my shirt was soon discarded. His flung across the room, meeting mine. I ran my hand down his chest. He moaned slightly. "I want you." He messed with the button of my jeans. After successfully removing them, his and our unders, we were breathless.

"Joe." I gasped as his lips brushed mine. "I'm nervous."

"It'll be okay." He kissed my forehead. "I promise." We just kissed for a long moment. A sweet, romantic kiss. "Be mine?" He asked, eyes locking with mine.

"I'm all yours."
♠ ♠ ♠
haha. hate me, no? (:

purity rings don't exist in my world. ;)

i love his new hair. <3

(it's not so new anymore but whatever)